Wrestlemania Recap: Major Title Changes Hands; Betrayal in the Tag Match

Did Brock Lesnar get the revenge he was seeking against the Big Show?

Did Brock Lesnar get the revenge he was seeking against the Big Show?

Chris Jericho vs Edge (C) vs Antonio Cesaro vs Dolph Ziggler
Intercontinental Title Match
The four eventually paired off and Jericho and Cesaro found themselves battling inside the ring with many near falls. At one point, Edge jumped from the top rope onto Ziggler, who was on the floor. The unpredictable nature of the match lead many nearfalls and a simultaneous kickout by Jericho and Ziggler. Ziggler hit the Zig Zag on Cesaro, but the pinfall was broken up by Jericho, who hit the Codebreaker. Edge saved his title at the last moment and the four battled once again. Eventually, Jericho and Cesaro spilled out onto the floor and the Ultimate Opportunist took advantage, planting Ziggler with the Edgucution, retaining his title.

Winner: Edge

John Cena vs Shawn Michaels
World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contenders Match

This match-up determined the top contender for the belt at the next PPV and it did not disappoint. Cena and Michaels battled all over the ring, and even on the outside. Cena performed an Attitude Adjustment on the padding outside of the ring and rolled back into the ring to try and force a count-out on Michaels. But HBK beat the referees count and got back in the ring. Cena wore him down even more and went for another AA. But Michaels struggled out of it, pushed back Cena and landed the Sweet Chin Music. Cena kicked out, but HBK landed another super kick and stole the win.

Winner: Shawn Michaels

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Wrestlemania Preview

Chris Jericho vs Edge (C) vs Antonio Cesaro vs Dolph Ziggler
Intercontinental Title Match

The Intercontinental Championship was owned by Dolph Ziggler, who was tired of fighting jobbers. He was finally defeated on Raw by Edge, but Edge’s celebration was short lived when Antonio Cesaro came to the ring. Cesaro declared he should have been given a title shot but Chris Jericho, who Cesaro had been feuding with, got involved as well. During a tag team match, Jericho walked out on his partner Edge, leaving some bad blood between the two.

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Smackdown 8: Number One Contender’s Match Set

Smackdown kicked off with some tag team action. The Rock n Sock connection was set to take on the team of Kofi Kingston and Rey Mysterio in a preview of the fatal fourway tag match at Wrestlemania on Sunday. The legendary team won the match after The Rock landed the Rockbottom on Kofi and got the pin.

Commissioner Roose came out to talk a little bit about Wrestlemania. He had to announce that he was one match short for his billing at Mania and wanted to hold a number one contender’s match for the World Heavyweight Championship at the next Pay-Per View. He was interrupted by Mr. Wrestlemania himself, Shawn Michaels. “Woah woah woah, you know you can’t have a Wrestlemania without the Showstopper himself!”

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Smackdown 7: Taker Announces Mania Match

Smackdown kicked off with the bare-knuckle brawler Wade Barrett strutting down to the ring. Fresh off of his huge win over Sheamus, Barrett grabbed the microphone and began to speak. He told the crowd that he will become the next WWE Champion, and that Sheamus is merely keeping the belt warm until Barrett takes it from him at Wrestlemania.

But Barrett was interrupted by Sheamus’ music. Sheamus came out with the title draped over his shoulder wearing a Preston North End F.C. soccer jersey. Sheamus then went on to compare Barrett to the League One soccer club from Barrett’s home city in England. “Much like that third rate football club in Preston, you fella, are a third rate super star in the WWE. After Wrestlemania, I will prove to the world that you are not worthy to wear this belt.” Sheamus then took the jersey off, spit in it and dropped it on the stage before turning around and walking away.

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Smackdown 6: Title matches taking shape; Outlaws split?

SheamusSmackdown kicked off with a match to get the fans warmed up, and it was a brilliant match at that. X-Pac, who is trying desperately to get his hands on Justin Gabriel for the US Title, took on a fired Randy Orton. Last week, Orton beat Brodus Clay in less than a minute, and X-Pac had to be sure he didn’t suffer the same fate.

The bell rung and Orton again sauntered over to X-Pac. Instead of shoving Orton like what Clay did last week, X-Pac spat in the face of Orton. The now enraged Orton was taken off his game and X-Pac countered an Orton running attack, taking the Apex Predator down and putting him in an arm lock.

X-Pac continued to work on the arm of Orton, hoping to weaken his ability to land the RKO at any time. Orton broke out of a second arm lock, fighting back on X-Pac. He threw X-Pac into the ropes and hit him a vintage scoop slam. X-Pac tried to roll to the ropes but Orton hit him with a DDT, setting up an RKO. X-Pac got up slowly and walked right into the RKO and was pinned by Orton.

After the break, Sheamus came down to the ring with his championship belt and a microphone. “I know you are all wondering why I attacked Wade Barrett last week,” he began. “It’s very simple at that. I refuse to not be taken seriously as the champion. I am capable of doing very bad things to people at the drop of a hat… or should I say, a kick to the face.” Sheamus continued on about why he chose Barrett, basically saying he wanted to send a message to the back of the locker room and make an example out of someone.

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