Raw 19: Challenge Accepted; Conspiracy Accusation

Raw started with Commissioner Real Deal coming to ringside to do commentary during Kurt Angle’s match with Antonio Cesaro.  Angle took it to Cesaro, despite Cesaro’s advantage in youth.  But Angle couldn’t keep the resilient Cesaro’s shoulders down for a three count.

Angle was about to put Cesaro away with the Angle Lock when, through the crowd, Kofi and Rey appeared.  Angle dropped Cesaro and started yelling at the Smackdown invaders.  While he was distracted, Cesaro rolled up Angle for the surprise victory.  Angle was furious at the loss, inviting the two into the ring.

Real Deal got out of his chair and started yelling at Kofi & Rey.  He told them to get out of the arena and shoved Rey.  Kofi responded with a swift kick to the head, knocking Real Deal down.  Angle chased after the two, but they retreated into the crowd.

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Raw 18: Kane Upset; Ziggler Issues Challenge

Raw opened up with a match between Team USA and the Rhodes Scholars.  Commissioner Real Deal came out before the match and told Smackdown’s GM Roose to watch this match to see what the future holds for his boys at Payback.

The Scholars tried their hardest but Angle and Henry ran over them in impressive fashion.  Henry hit the World’s Strongest Slam on Rhodes twice, once to end the match and once again after the bell.  Angle disposed of Sandow with an Olympic Slam.  Real Deal told Roose that he couldn’t wait to see USA dismantle his weak team.

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Raw 17: Rivalries Continue; Real Deal Vows Revenge

Real Deal came out with Team USA to start Raw. He angrily accused Roose of disrupting the Tag Team title match last night when it appeared Team USA had the victory. Real Deal ripped into Roose, saying he had no right to have his team interfere in the match. He said if Roose had a problem with him, Roose should come after him and him alone, but now he’s pissed the wrong team off.

Kurt Angle grabbed the mic and challenged Roose’s team of Kofi & Rey to a match at Payback. He said that at one time he and Henry wanted the Tag titles but that dream would have to be put on hold. Mark Henry added that Kofi and Rey made things personal and would ensure they would be inducted into his Hall of Pain.

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Raw 16: Major Upset; Punk & Bryan Square Off

Daniel Bryan opened Raw by explaining himself from last week. He started by saying he didn’t hate CM Punk; he said they went back a long time and had great memories. Bryan explained that all he wanted originally was an apology from Punk for interfering in his match and getting him disqualified. When he didn’t get one, he just wanted a match. He went onto say that the old CM Punk wouldn’t back down from a match, but this new, aligned-with-Lesnar CM Punk is just that, a punk. He had to take matters into his own hands since Punk was being a “coward”.

CM Punk came out and quickly made his way to the ring. The two stared each other down, with Punk askin Bryan what his problem was. Bryan told him that he’s changed since he aligned himself with Brock Lesnar. Punk explained that “CM Punk” is no longer a wrestler, but a brand. His alliance with Heyman and Lesnar is to protect his brand, and to keep the WWE title where it belongs.

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Raw 15: Bryan Challenges Punk; IC Tourney Controversy

Raw opened with an Intercontinental Title Tournament match between Edge and R-Truth. Edge had the early advantage and looked like he was going to put Truth away quickly. But R-Truth fought back and was able to tip the match back in his favor after a neckbreaker. Edge tried for a Spear, but missed, enabling R-Truth to hit a corkscrew scissors kick.

Truth went for the cover and got a two count. He exited the ring and started celebrating up the ramp like he had won the match. Edge was eventually declared the winner by countout, and upon hearing the victory announcement, Truth went berserk, destroying the stage. Edge just shook his head as the referee raised his hand.

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Raw 14: Bad Blood, IC Tournament Created

Raw Commissioner Real Deal started Raw by coming to the ring.  He wanted to clear up the Intercontinental Title situation as the match that ended Raw last week was left with some confusion.  He declared the match a draw and Dolph Ziggler still the champion.  But, he went on to say, there would be a seven man elimination style tournament, in which, the IC title is on the line.

With the draw last week, Real Deal announced that Ziggler, as current champion, would get a bye in the first round.  Real Deal declared that the first match of the tournament would take place tonight! He added that he and Smackdown GM Roose seemed to have some bad blood over the last couple weeks and he would try to smooth things over by allowing one Smackdown superstar to compete in the tournament next week.

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Raw 13: Title Rematches; New Alliance

New WWE Champion CM Punk came out to the ring to kick off Raw. He said that now that he was done with Austin for good, and needed a new challenger. No sooner did he say that, did Brock Lesnar’s music hit and he came out with Paul Heyman. Punk had a frightened look on his face, but Lesnar entered the ring and stuck out his hand. Punk quickly changed his facial expression to one of joy and shook Lesnar’s hand and hugged Heyman.

Punk explained that he made a phone call last week to Heyman to ensure he regained the title from Austin. Punk continued, saying he should have had the match won if it weren’t for an inept referee but Heyman had Plan B, which was Lesnar. This brought out Steve Austin, who launched into a tirade about Punk not being able to win by himself and called Lesnar a fake tough guy. Heyman told Austin to come to the ring then if he thought Lesnar was a fake. Austin didn’t have to think twice about the invitation but perhaps he should have, as Heyman’s new duo beat on him. Punk put the title in Austin’s face and told him he wouldn’t get another shot.

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Raw 12: Punk, Austin Continue Battle; Shield Speaks

Roman Reigns debuted last week; what will the Shield have to say this week?

Roman Reigns debuted last week; what will the Shield have to say this week?

Dolph Ziggler opened the show by coming out to the ring with a mic.  He stated that fans are going to buy the pay-per-view just to see him defeat Edge in the ladder match.  Ziggler added that even though Edge picked the stipulation, it doesn’t bother him one bit. This brought out Edge, who looked like he wanted to fight Ziggler right then and there but he was interrupted by Comissioner Real Deal.

Real Deal came out and told Ziggler and Edge to save their energy because they would be opponents tonight in advance of their match at Extreme Rules. He explained however, that it would be a tag team match, with CM Punk as Ziggler’s partner and Steve Austin as Edge’s.

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Raw 11: Austin, Punk Sign Contract; Tag Belts on the Line

On Raw, Dolph Ziggler issued a challenge to Edge, but did Ziggler get the answer he was looking for?

On Raw, Dolph Ziggler issued a challenge to Edge, but did Ziggler get the answer he was looking for?

Raw opened with Jack Swagger coming to the ring to talk about how Commissioner Real Deal screwed him. He said that despite the commissioner’s feelings for him, he earned his title shot by winning the Royal Rumble and Real Deal took it away from him twice.

This brought out Real Deal with Ryback to a chorus of boos from the crowd. He told Swagger that Ryback was his new personal enforcer and that he will display his awesome power in a match tonight. Real Deal told Swagger that this is his show and if he doesn’t like it, he can join the losers over at Smackdown. While on the topic, he added that Smackdown’s GM Roose shouldn’t poke the proverbial bear.

Swagger said he isn’t leaving the show and he wants the match tonight with Ryback. Real Deal told him that he would have to wait until Extreme Rules, but if he really wanted a match, he could have one right now with the Big Show.

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Raw 10: Commissioner Realdeal Explains Himself

How did Brock Lesnar fare in his match against Rob Van Dam?

How did Brock Lesnar fare in his match against Rob Van Dam?

Raw kicked off with a match between Edge and Antonio Cesaro. Edge started the match with an uptempo pace but Cesaro neutralized Edge’s quickness with his strength. Cesaro started to dominate, but one wrong move left the door open for Edge to reverse a move and his the Edgucution. He called for the spear, but out of nowhere Dolph Ziggler ran into the ring. While the referee was looking and counting Cesaro, Ziggler hit the Zig Zag and left the ring. Cesaro climbed on top of Edge to pick up the win. Ziggler celebrated from the top of the ramp as Edge looked on.

Following the match, Commissioner Realdeal came out with Ryback. Realdeal talked about screwing over Jack Swagger in his WWE title match last week, claiming Swagger was not a champion and that he didn’t even deserve to win the Royal Rumble. He admitted that he was the behind the attack on Swagger, paying off the APA and trusting Alberto Del Rio to get the job done at Wrestlemania, but he couldn’t.

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