Raw 29: Revenge Sought; Heyman Goads Punk

CM Punk opened this week’s Raw by celebrating that he was able to overcome the odds and beat Brock Lesnar and his former manager, Paul Heyman.  Punk talked about how Heyman tried to get involved, but Punk saw it coming.  He added that despite the circumstances, he proved that he’s still the best in the world.

This brought out Heyman and Lesnar.  Heyman asked, “Best in the world? More like luckiest in the world.”  Heyman began to remind Punk that Lesnar had him beat if it weren’t for an inept referee.  Heyman continued to goad Punk, saying his reign and legacy as WWE Champion would be forever tarnished if he would not give Lesnar one more shot.  Punk said no, telling Lesnar that he had his shot last night and lost. Punk added that he’s onto the next opponent.

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Raw 28: Rattlesnake Strikes; Jericho Challenged

This week’s Raw began with Ryback taking on Faarooq with Bradshaw at ringside.  The massive Ryback was impressive in his domination of a strong Faarooq.  After a quick win, he continued to beat on Faarooq until Bradshaw entered the ring.  Bradshaw attempted to avenge his partner, but was given Shellshocked by Ryback.  Ryback left the APA laying in the ring as the crowd booed.

A still limping Real Deal caught up with R-Truth backstage.  Real Deal apologized for all the bizarre endings to his matches recently.  He told Truth to take the night off.  Truth disagreed, saying he wanted to end his losing streak.  The Commissioner overruled him, telling Truth that he’s not on the card for the night.

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Raw 27: Punk, Austin Have Words for Heyman

This week’s Raw began with the glass shattering and the first appearance of Steve Austin since his victory at Money in the Bank. Austin went on a tirade, saying he defeated the champion and his buddy, or whatever they are now, and won’t get a title shot because of a contract he signed before Extreme Rules. Austin said that a stupid contract isn’t going to stop him from eventually regaining the WWE Title.

Paul Heyman made his way out to address Austin. He reminded Austin of the contract he signed, negating any future title shots while CM Punk is champion. Austin said he didn’t give a damn who had the title, he deserved a shot, contract or not. Heyman laughed, told Austin to have a fantastic day and left the stage as Austin was furious.

Afterwards, Michael Cole reminded viewers that Jack Swagger would get a title shot later in the night and that Commissioner Real Deal announced earlier that a Lumberjill Match between Trish Stratus and Beth Phoenix for the Diva’s Title would take place tonight.

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Raw 26: Shield Offer Challenge; Commissioner Hurt

This week’s Raw began with a match between Team Hell No and the Rhodes Scholars.  Team Hell No dominated in the early going, as Daniel Bryan and Kane seemed to patch up their differences for the match.  Kane was almost able to put Sandow away early, but Rhodes was there to help his partner.

Eventually, it boiled down to Rhodes and Bryan.  Bryan had the advantage, but a distracted referee allowed Sandow to get a cheap shot in on Bryan.  Kane went after Sandow and Bryan yelled to his partner to tag out.  While he was getting Kane’s attention, Bryan was hit with a CrossRhodes, scoring the Scholars the sneaky victory.  Bryan was furious with Kane once again after the match, screaming at him.

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Raw 25: Friendships Torn Apart

Raw began with a match between Batista and Antonio Cesaro. Highlights were shown of Batista’s re-debut match last night against R-Truth.  The strong Cesaro was able to hold his own against Batista, but eventually Batista used his strength and experience to finish off Cesaro. Despite a solid showing from the Swiss native, Batista hit him with the Batista Bomb for the victory.

Team USA was backstage discussing their loss to the Shield last night.  Mark Henry was apologetic for chasing Roman Reigns instead of bailing out Kurt Angle in the ring.  Angle told him not to worry about it as they have a match against the Rhodes Scholars that they can put the loss behind them.

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Raw 24: Pre-PPV Faceoff; Battle Royal

Commissioner Real Deal began Raw by making an announcement about the Money in the Bank match.  Real Deal announced that Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan, Edge, Ryback and Jack Swagger have all qualified for the match, but one slot remains due to the repeated interference.

He announced that all of those participants will have a match tonight, but the losers from the MITB qualifiers, John Morrison, Antonio Cesaro, Dolph Ziggler, R-Truth and both members of the Rhodes Scholars would be in an over-the-top-rope battle royal later tonight for the final spot.  He added that he would keep his promise to R-Truth, if he did not win the battle royal, he would still have a match on the PPV.

Real Deal changed the subject to the Shield.  He said that all three members would be involved in singles matches tonight to determine who would represent the Tag Team Champions on Sunday.  Whoever wins would be allowed to be in their match against Team USA.  He also declared that the title would change hands on a DQ, therefore any illegal Shield members interfering would cost the team their titles.

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Raw 23: Austin Issues Challenge; Punk and Lesnar Battle

Steve Austin opened up Raw with a furious promo.  He ranted on how he was sick and tired of CM Punk and Brock Lesnar ruining everything on Raw.  He said that he’d love to take the WWE Title away from Punk but Punk weaseled his way out of any future title matches with Austin.  Austin suggested that Punk was scared of him and needed Lesnar to fight his battles for him.

Austin explained that it seemed like Punk and Lesnar wanted to rid the WWE of himself and Kane, as they were the only two targets of attacks on last week’s show.  He said he didn’t like Kane, but respected him and said he wanted a match with Punk and Lesnar.  Austin went onto say that if Kane was willing to join and would make it into a tag team match.  Austin continued, saying he didn’t care one way or another if he had to fight as a team or in a handicap match.

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Raw 22: Punk & Lesnar Cause Trouble; More MITB Qualifiers

Opening Raw was a Money in the Bank Qualifying match between Kane and Antonio Cesaro.  Last week, Cesaro had a qualifying match interrupted by Brock Lesnar.  A good showing by Cesaro as he was able to give the Big Red Machine a hard match.  The two battled hard for the MITB spot.  Kane, however, caught Cesaro with a mistake and set him up for a chokeslam.

But once again, CM Punk and Brock Lesnar hit the ring and attacked both competitors.  The bell was rung and declared a no contest.  Punk threw Cesaro out of the ring as both men beat on Kane.  Lesnar eventually hit Kane with an F-5, leaving him in the middle of the ring as the two were booed heavily.

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Raw 21: MITB Qualifiers; Punk in Action

Raw began with Commissioner Real Deal coming to the ring. He talked about his victorious brutal battle with Roose and his team. Real Deal then announced that the Money in the Bank pay-per-view was in four weeks and he had six slots available for the event. He added that he had some names already in his head and two qualifying matches would be held over the next three weeks to get the six entrants.

Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho then interrupted the boss, stating that as IC Champ, he should automatically be given a spot. Real Deal mulled it over and agreed stating the belt was next in line to the WWE championship. However, he added that Jericho would still have to compete before the event and would be in action next week against Steve Austin.

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Raw 20: Setting the Stage

Commissioner Real Deal started Raw along with Team USA.  Real Deal started off by calling what Roose did on Smackdown disrespectful.  He said it was disrespectful to the fans, the poor vendor he attacked and Real Deal himself.  Real Deal went onto explain that people may not like him for some of the decisions he’s made, but he had Raw and the fans’ interest at heart.  He continued, saying, what he does on Raw is his business.

He kept going, saying that when Roose’s team interfered in a match between Raw teams, a line was crossed.  In Real Deal’s eyes, it was no longer about his decisions on his show, but it was an attack on the entire show.  It was turned into “us vs. them” and that he’d support any member of his roster against the rival show.

As for the match itself, Real Deal said he’d love to mix it up with Roose, and offered to make the match into a six-man between himself and USA and Roose and his team.

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