SummerSlam: neXt Generation Steals the Show

SummerSlam kicked off with the heavily anticipated Cruiserweight Title Match between six worthy competitors hand-selected by Roose. Roose kicked off the show standing at the stage with the same scale X-Pac had been taunting Rob Van Dam with. Coming out first was Sin Carawho weighed in at 180 pounds. Next out was Rey Mysterio, weighing in at 168 pounds. He was followed by Justin Gabriel (213), X-Pac (200) and Christian (212). RVD’s music hit and the place erupted. RVD slowly walked to the scale and put one foot on it while the crowd anxiously waited. After stepping fully on, RVD weighed in at 224 pounds, just under the limit.

The match was able to get underway for all six men. About five minutes in, we had our first elimination. Gabriel was rolled up in the middle of the chaos by Sin Cara and eliminated just like that. He argued with the ref but was sent to the back. Sin Cara’s early luck run out right away as X-Pac landed and X-Factor and pinned him for the elimination.

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Money In the Bank: We Have A New Champ!

Money in the Bank opened with the participants of the Raw MITB match coming to the ring: Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, Edge, Jack Swagger & Ryback.  Ziggler ran for a ladder as soon as the bell rung, but was caught by Jericho.  Edge paired off with Ryback and Bryan with Swagger.  The six battled it out before Swagger introduced the first ladder into the match.  He spun it like an airplane, knocking everyone down before Bryan dropkicked him in the leg.  Ziggler picked up the ladder and tried to make his way up before he was thwarted by Jericho, who hea battled at the top.

Jericho tossed Ziggler down and grabbed for the belt, but Edge speared Bryan into the ladder, knocking Jericho to the outside.  Swagger and Ryback continued their feud, with Ryback nailing Swagger with a steel chair.  Swagger fell out of the ring as Ryback turned his attention to Edge, who he hit with the Meathook Clothesline.  Ziggler and Bryan battled on the other side of the ring as Ryback set up the ladder.

However, Jericho grabbed his feet from the outside, knocking him down.  Ziggler hit the Zig Zag on Bryan and started his ascent once more.  Edge climbed on the other side as the two traded punches at the top.  Edge then hit the Downward Spiral off the top of the ladder, flooring both competitors.

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