Over the Limit: Del Rio Wins Belt; New IC Champ Crowned

Over the Limit kicked off with one of the most anticipated matches of the night. Finally, Randy Orton’s stalker was going to be revealed. Orton came down to the ring determined to put this nightmarish month behind him. After he got into the ring, he waited for the mystery man to come out. The suspense built and Orton began to pace the ring. He even motioned towards the back for his assailant to come out.

Then finally, the lights went out for a few seconds. A familiar opening sequence began and an ominous gold hue filled the arena. It was Goldust! Dustin Rhodes, son of Dusty Rhodes and brother to Cody of Raw, came down to the ring in his flowing gold robe and blonde wig. He entered the ring, got in the face of Orton and did his patented deep-breath taunt.

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