Raw Week 3: Commissioner Upset, Del Rio Continues Streak

With Alberto Del Rio on a hot streak and the number one contender, will he be the next champion?

With Alberto Del Rio on a hot streak and the number one contender, will he be the next champion?

We kicked off Raw with Michael Cole telling fans that Jack Swagger would be in action in a requested match to test his injured ankle. Edge stood in the ring with a neck brace, explaining to fans that Brock Lesnar’s beating two weeks ago has put him out of action for a while, but he hopes to be cleared to wrestle next week. He said he caught Lesnar on a bad day, in a bad mood. He mentioned that he wants a match with Lesnar at some point down the road.

The first match of the night pitted Alberto Del Rio against Bradshaw. Bradshaw tried to use his strength to his advantage early. Del Rio reversed a clothesline into a German Suplex and followed it up with a slam. Bradshaw hit a DDT and an elbow drop as he took control. Ricardo Rodriguez jumped onto the apron to distract the referee, and Bradshaw went to confront him. As he turned back around, he caught a Del Rio spinning heel kick. Del Rio went for the pin, but only got a two count. Del Rio took advantage to apply the Cross Arm Breaker and Bradshaw gave up.

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