Raw 5: Lesnar Upset, Ziggler Retains

Edge battled Chris Jericho on Raw.

Edge battled Chris Jericho on Raw.

We kicked off Raw with the Commissioner coming out to the ring to address the Tag Team Titles situation. He went on to say that after consulting with Smackdown GM Roose, that a four way tag team match will be held at Wrestlemania, therefore guaranteeing a champion crowned. He said that two teams from each show would make the cut, and since Team Hell No won the last two matches, they would be automatically qualified as one team from Raw. He went on to say next week he’d put together a four team tournament to qualify for the second Raw slot.

The first match of the night had Dean Ambrose taking on John Morrison. The two slapped hands as the match begun. Morrison took hold of Ambrose but it was reversed into a DDT. Ambrose got some more offense in and took control of the match after hitting a sideslam. But Morrison battled back, eventually hitting Ambrose with an enziguri, which laid his opponent down.

Morrison climbed to the top rope in an attempt to hit Starship Pain but Ambrose got onto the ropes and suplexed Morrison off of the ropes. A pin attempt later and Ambrose was the victor.

Next up we had Dolph Ziggler defending his Intercontinental Championship against R-Truth. It was a fast paced match as the two traded moves. Ziggler started to gain the upper hand, however after a dropkick. R-Truth staggered to his feet and blocked a strike from Ziggler and hit a clothesline of his own. But Ziggler got up, and got called for the Zig Zag. Truth reversed it and tried to go for a flying forearm, but missed. Ziggler took the opportunity and hit the Zig Zag for the win.

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Raw Week 4: Chamber Qualifiers, Payback

A post-match brawl broke out at the end of Raw/

A post-match brawl broke out at the end of Raw/

Raw kicked off with the Commissioner coming to the ring, addressing Sunday’s Elimination Chamber pay-per-view. He said that qualifying matches will be held tonight. He also said that the APA will face stiff punishment for their brutal beating of Jack Swagger last week. He said that they would face the Big Show and Mark Henry in a match tonight. He also wanted to know who they were hired by.

The APA came out and said they weren’t allowed to share who paid them, like confidentiality with a lawyer. As for the match, they said that it’s no problem, they’ll just no-show the match and forfeit. Real Deal said he may be able to convince them to show up, by making it a qualifying match for the Chamber. If they can beat Show and Henry, they’ll both be entered into the chamber match. The APA said that works for them, and left.

Real Deal went on to say that before he was rudely interrupted that two other qualifying matches tonight would be Steve Austin against Dolph Ziggler and Kurt Angle against Chris Jericho.

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Raw Week 3: Commissioner Upset, Del Rio Continues Streak

With Alberto Del Rio on a hot streak and the number one contender, will he be the next champion?

With Alberto Del Rio on a hot streak and the number one contender, will he be the next champion?

We kicked off Raw with Michael Cole telling fans that Jack Swagger would be in action in a requested match to test his injured ankle. Edge stood in the ring with a neck brace, explaining to fans that Brock Lesnar’s beating two weeks ago has put him out of action for a while, but he hopes to be cleared to wrestle next week. He said he caught Lesnar on a bad day, in a bad mood. He mentioned that he wants a match with Lesnar at some point down the road.

The first match of the night pitted Alberto Del Rio against Bradshaw. Bradshaw tried to use his strength to his advantage early. Del Rio reversed a clothesline into a German Suplex and followed it up with a slam. Bradshaw hit a DDT and an elbow drop as he took control. Ricardo Rodriguez jumped onto the apron to distract the referee, and Bradshaw went to confront him. As he turned back around, he caught a Del Rio spinning heel kick. Del Rio went for the pin, but only got a two count. Del Rio took advantage to apply the Cross Arm Breaker and Bradshaw gave up.

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