Wrestlemania Recap: Major Title Changes Hands; Betrayal in the Tag Match

Did Brock Lesnar get the revenge he was seeking against the Big Show?

Did Brock Lesnar get the revenge he was seeking against the Big Show?

Chris Jericho vs Edge (C) vs Antonio Cesaro vs Dolph Ziggler
Intercontinental Title Match
The four eventually paired off and Jericho and Cesaro found themselves battling inside the ring with many near falls. At one point, Edge jumped from the top rope onto Ziggler, who was on the floor. The unpredictable nature of the match lead many nearfalls and a simultaneous kickout by Jericho and Ziggler. Ziggler hit the Zig Zag on Cesaro, but the pinfall was broken up by Jericho, who hit the Codebreaker. Edge saved his title at the last moment and the four battled once again. Eventually, Jericho and Cesaro spilled out onto the floor and the Ultimate Opportunist took advantage, planting Ziggler with the Edgucution, retaining his title.

Winner: Edge

John Cena vs Shawn Michaels
World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contenders Match

This match-up determined the top contender for the belt at the next PPV and it did not disappoint. Cena and Michaels battled all over the ring, and even on the outside. Cena performed an Attitude Adjustment on the padding outside of the ring and rolled back into the ring to try and force a count-out on Michaels. But HBK beat the referees count and got back in the ring. Cena wore him down even more and went for another AA. But Michaels struggled out of it, pushed back Cena and landed the Sweet Chin Music. Cena kicked out, but HBK landed another super kick and stole the win.

Winner: Shawn Michaels

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Wrestlemania Preview

Chris Jericho vs Edge (C) vs Antonio Cesaro vs Dolph Ziggler
Intercontinental Title Match

The Intercontinental Championship was owned by Dolph Ziggler, who was tired of fighting jobbers. He was finally defeated on Raw by Edge, but Edge’s celebration was short lived when Antonio Cesaro came to the ring. Cesaro declared he should have been given a title shot but Chris Jericho, who Cesaro had been feuding with, got involved as well. During a tag team match, Jericho walked out on his partner Edge, leaving some bad blood between the two.

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Raw 5: Lesnar Upset, Ziggler Retains

Edge battled Chris Jericho on Raw.

Edge battled Chris Jericho on Raw.

We kicked off Raw with the Commissioner coming out to the ring to address the Tag Team Titles situation. He went on to say that after consulting with Smackdown GM Roose, that a four way tag team match will be held at Wrestlemania, therefore guaranteeing a champion crowned. He said that two teams from each show would make the cut, and since Team Hell No won the last two matches, they would be automatically qualified as one team from Raw. He went on to say next week he’d put together a four team tournament to qualify for the second Raw slot.

The first match of the night had Dean Ambrose taking on John Morrison. The two slapped hands as the match begun. Morrison took hold of Ambrose but it was reversed into a DDT. Ambrose got some more offense in and took control of the match after hitting a sideslam. But Morrison battled back, eventually hitting Ambrose with an enziguri, which laid his opponent down.

Morrison climbed to the top rope in an attempt to hit Starship Pain but Ambrose got onto the ropes and suplexed Morrison off of the ropes. A pin attempt later and Ambrose was the victor.

Next up we had Dolph Ziggler defending his Intercontinental Championship against R-Truth. It was a fast paced match as the two traded moves. Ziggler started to gain the upper hand, however after a dropkick. R-Truth staggered to his feet and blocked a strike from Ziggler and hit a clothesline of his own. But Ziggler got up, and got called for the Zig Zag. Truth reversed it and tried to go for a flying forearm, but missed. Ziggler took the opportunity and hit the Zig Zag for the win.

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Raw Week 4: Chamber Qualifiers, Payback

A post-match brawl broke out at the end of Raw/

A post-match brawl broke out at the end of Raw/

Raw kicked off with the Commissioner coming to the ring, addressing Sunday’s Elimination Chamber pay-per-view. He said that qualifying matches will be held tonight. He also said that the APA will face stiff punishment for their brutal beating of Jack Swagger last week. He said that they would face the Big Show and Mark Henry in a match tonight. He also wanted to know who they were hired by.

The APA came out and said they weren’t allowed to share who paid them, like confidentiality with a lawyer. As for the match, they said that it’s no problem, they’ll just no-show the match and forfeit. Real Deal said he may be able to convince them to show up, by making it a qualifying match for the Chamber. If they can beat Show and Henry, they’ll both be entered into the chamber match. The APA said that works for them, and left.

Real Deal went on to say that before he was rudely interrupted that two other qualifying matches tonight would be Steve Austin against Dolph Ziggler and Kurt Angle against Chris Jericho.

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Raw Week 3: Commissioner Upset, Del Rio Continues Streak

With Alberto Del Rio on a hot streak and the number one contender, will he be the next champion?

With Alberto Del Rio on a hot streak and the number one contender, will he be the next champion?

We kicked off Raw with Michael Cole telling fans that Jack Swagger would be in action in a requested match to test his injured ankle. Edge stood in the ring with a neck brace, explaining to fans that Brock Lesnar’s beating two weeks ago has put him out of action for a while, but he hopes to be cleared to wrestle next week. He said he caught Lesnar on a bad day, in a bad mood. He mentioned that he wants a match with Lesnar at some point down the road.

The first match of the night pitted Alberto Del Rio against Bradshaw. Bradshaw tried to use his strength to his advantage early. Del Rio reversed a clothesline into a German Suplex and followed it up with a slam. Bradshaw hit a DDT and an elbow drop as he took control. Ricardo Rodriguez jumped onto the apron to distract the referee, and Bradshaw went to confront him. As he turned back around, he caught a Del Rio spinning heel kick. Del Rio went for the pin, but only got a two count. Del Rio took advantage to apply the Cross Arm Breaker and Bradshaw gave up.

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Raw Week 2: Alliance Formed, Austin Victorious

Have rookies Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins formed an alliance with a WWE vet?

Have rookies Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins formed an alliance with a WWE vet?

We kicked off Raw with Brock Lesnar heading to the ring and grabbed the mic. He told the fans that his dominant win over Edge showed that he’s the Alpha in the WWE locker room. He goes on to explain that putting Edge out of action was only one step towards gaining the WWE Title. Lesnar continued his rant from last week, saying that since he won’t let his guard down ever again after the Rumble, he’ll be unstoppable and it’s only a matter of time before he gets the gold.

After the promo, Michael Cole noted that both Edge and Rumble winner Jack Swagger won’t be at Raw tonight because of the injuries sustained in their matches last week.

The first match of the night had Antonio Cesaro taking on Dean Ambrose. Ambrose was accompanied to the ring by Seth Rollins. Ambrose controlled the match early but Cesaro started to take advantage after a DDT. Cesaro hit an uppercut which lead to a neckbreaker. Rollins tried to get Ambrose back into it, but Cesaro finished Ambrose off with the Neutralizer. Cesaro got the pin but continued to beat on Ambrose until Rollins climbed into the ring and went after Cesaro. Rollins whipped Cesaro and superkicked him, laying him out. Rollins helped Ambrose to the back as Cesaro was left what was wondering what happened.

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Raw Week 1: Lesnar Dominant; Swagger Injured?

Could the APA’s services be required?

Raw opened with Royal Rumble winner Jack Swagger coming to the ring. Swagger had red, white and blue confetti and balloons drop and says that he was a hero to American kids. He talked about his accomplishments as a collegiate wrestler and in the WWE, and now the Royal Rumble has added to that list.

Kurt Angle came out and told Swagger that he is an Olympic American gold medalist and that he should be a hero to kids. They get in each other’s faces as Commissioner Real Deal comes out and tells both men that they “Should instead be preparing for your matches tonight…against each other…right now!”

Both men traded traditional wrestling grapples to show off their backgrounds. Angle got the upper hand until Swagger rolls out of the ring to interrupt the momentum. Swagger started to build his own momentum with a Russian Leg Sweep followed by a suplex. He put Angle into a submission maneuver but Angle gets his foot on the rope.

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Swagger Wins Rumble; HHH, Punk Champions

The Royal Rumble turned out to be one for the ages, bringing intense action from start to finish.

Legends made their mark, new champions were crowned, and paths were paved for a couple of young stars. And in a weird turn of events, the Tag Team match ended in a disqualification, leaving its fate up in the air.

But the biggest surprise of the night came during the Rumble as the unlikely winner was Jack Swagger.

The Royal Rumble proved to be another thrilling main event. Edge and Kofi Kingston started the match for their respective brands with neither lasting very long in the Rumble.

The final six came down to late entrants Sheamus, Swagger,
Randy Orton, Wade Barrett, Big Show and Alberto Del Rio. Sheamus and
Barrett were taken out by Orton after lengthy battles with each. Swagger
hit a dropkick that knocked the Big Show out and he was left with Orton and Del Rio.

While Orton was distracted with Del Rio, Swagger dumped him out of the ring. It was then down to Swagger and Del Rio. After a few minutes of back and forth, Swagger hit a clothesline on Del Rio to eliminate him and win the Royal Rumble.

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Royal Rumble 2013 Preview

Could the Rock win the Rumble?

Hardcore Championship: Mankind vs Rob Van Dam
Extreme Rules

Mankind couldn’t let go of the fact that the Hardcore Championship disappeared from circulation. That is why on the Smackdown prior to the Royal Rumble, Mankind walked to the squared-circle with a briefcase in hand. In that briefcase was the old tattered belt that he had hanging on his wall at home. Mankind offered a challenge to anyone in the back, legend or current star, to come out and pry it from his hands. Rob Van Dam answered the call. But before they were going to fight, Smackdown commissioner Roose told the two they would settle it at the Royal Rumble.

Diva Championship: Beth Phoenix vs Trish Stratus

Beth Phoenix, mad that she was forced to drop her belt, went on a tirade talking about how she was disrespected and was the greatest Diva Champion of all time. But she was interrupted by Trish Stratus, who was looking to backup her legacy by charging the ring and attacking Phoenix. Commissioner Real Deal broke up the cat fight, telling the two ladies they will fight for the belt at the Rumble.

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