Raw 30: Austin Battles Punk; Batista Challenges

Raw opened with a promo from Batista.  Batista went into a verbal assault on Ryback, who he was furious with for attacking him on Raw last week.  He also was confused about why Ryback had an issue to begin with, as he reminded fans that he was trying to be nice to Ryback after an impressive match a few weeks ago.

He then changed his tune, continuing, saying that it no longer mattered and that Ryback made it personal with his attacks.  The Animal challenged Ryback to a match, but he didn’t appear.  He added, that he knew Ryback was scared of him as he left the ring.

The opening match of the night was between John Morrison and Dean Ambrose.  Ambrose came alone to the ring for this one-on-one bout.  A quick paced match, Morrison used his quickness to his advantage and tried to put away Ambrose with a series of aerial assaults.

Ambrose stayed alive in the match an eventually got the upperhand.  He worked Morrison in the corners and then hit him with a DDT for a two count.  Ambrose continue to wear down Morrison before landing a Headlock Driver, finishing Morrison off and scoring the pinfall.

In Diva’s action, Kaitlyn had a handicap match with the Bella Twins.  Kaitlyn had some beef with the Bella’s after comments the made to her and AJ.  The Bellas tried to put up a fight against the bigger Kaitlyn, but she dominated from start to finish, despite being outnumbered.  She speared both twins before covering both for the pin.

A rematch from last week, R-Truth took on Dolph Ziggler.  Ziggler won the match last week, but not without a controversial finish.  Ziggler and Truth continued their battle, putting on a solid match, going back and forth.

Ziggler seemingly had the match won following a ZigZag, but Truth again got his foot on the ropes.  Fortunately for Truth, the referee saw his foot this time.  As Ziggler argued, Truth started yelling at Ziggler as he rolled out of the ring.

Ziggler followed suit as Truth ran around the ring, away from the Show Off.  As Ziggler turned the corner, a debuting Big E Langston was waiting for him.  Big E clotheslined Ziggler as he waited.  He and Truth didn’t seem to notice, or care, that the referee had disqualified Truth.  The duo demolished Ziggler, throwing him into the steel steps and guard rail before leaving up the ramp.

The APA were in the back in their office, when they were approached. They were given a large stack of money and told not to come to the ring for their match later in the night.

Daniel Bryan came to the ring, with the Money in the Bank briefcase in his hand.  With the crowd fully behind him, he proclaimed himself the future WWE Champion.  He continued, saying he was the best Money in the Bank winner of all time.

Then, the lights went out.  A gong rung a few times, signalling the Undertaker.  But he did  not appear and the lights came back on.  Bryan was surprised by what he saw when they were turned back on; he was standing face to face with Kane.  Kane chokeslammed Bryan, before signalling his departure with flames shooting from the ringposts.

The Intercontinental Title was on the line when Chris Jericho defended against Antonio Cesaro.  Cesaro had been on a bit of a roll and earned the title shot in recent weeks.  Jericho fought Cesaro hard, but the Swiss challenger continued to display the tenacity that he had in recent weeks.

Jericho regained control, however, after a Lionsault nearly scored a victory.  He attempted the Walls of Jericho, but couldn’t get the move fully locked on.  Jericho then went for the Codebreaker, but Cesaro blocked it and hit him with a European Uppercut.

Both competitors were laid out, and as they got back to their feet, Jericho gave Cesaro some punches that floored him.  He went for the Walls once more, but Jack Swagger came out to ringside and distracted the champion, who let go of the hold.  Cesaro got back up to his feet and nailed the occupied Jericho with the Neutralizer, winning the match and the title.

As Cesaro celebrated his title win, Jericho laid in confusion until he saw Swagger, who he chased up the ramp and into the back.

The neXt Generation debuted on Raw in anticipating for their non title tag team match. As they anticipated their opponent, the APA’s music hit, but they didn’t come out.  As the NG stood inside the ring, watching the rampway, the Shield came out of the crowd and attacked the trio.

The battle raged onto the outside, as well as in the ring, as both sides paired off.  Officials had to separate the two sides eventually, but the bad blood could be felt throughout.  Reigns was heard screaming, “We want the belts back!”

Backstage, Chris Jericho was seen throwing Jack Swagger into the walls of the arena and using any kind of weapon he could find.

The main event for the night was Steve Austin taking on CM Punk.  The two hooked up another classic battle, reminiscent of their match from Wrestlemania.  Rekindling their rivalry, they went back and forth, beating each other.

Punk and Austin continued to trade momentum throughout the match, both hitting moves off of the top rope and in the corner.  The hostility could be felt, as both brought their “A” game against their rival.

With the result still in question, Brock Lesnar came out to attack CM Punk, but was met with an elbow from Austin.  The match continued, with Punk taking control.  However, it was halted once again as Lesnar tried to interfere and Kurt Angle went after Austin.  The match was ruled a no contest, as the four brawled as the show went off the air.

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