Money In the Bank: We Have A New Champ!

Money in the Bank opened with the participants of the Raw MITB match coming to the ring: Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, Edge, Jack Swagger & Ryback.  Ziggler ran for a ladder as soon as the bell rung, but was caught by Jericho.  Edge paired off with Ryback and Bryan with Swagger.  The six battled it out before Swagger introduced the first ladder into the match.  He spun it like an airplane, knocking everyone down before Bryan dropkicked him in the leg.  Ziggler picked up the ladder and tried to make his way up before he was thwarted by Jericho, who hea battled at the top.

Jericho tossed Ziggler down and grabbed for the belt, but Edge speared Bryan into the ladder, knocking Jericho to the outside.  Swagger and Ryback continued their feud, with Ryback nailing Swagger with a steel chair.  Swagger fell out of the ring as Ryback turned his attention to Edge, who he hit with the Meathook Clothesline.  Ziggler and Bryan battled on the other side of the ring as Ryback set up the ladder.

However, Jericho grabbed his feet from the outside, knocking him down.  Ziggler hit the Zig Zag on Bryan and started his ascent once more.  Edge climbed on the other side as the two traded punches at the top.  Edge then hit the Downward Spiral off the top of the ladder, flooring both competitors.

Swagger made a comeback, climbing the ladder, but Ryback speared the entire ladder, bending the steel and causing Swagger to fly through the ropes.  Ryback apeared to hurt his shoulder and rolled out of the ring in pain.  Jericho then hit the Codebreaker on Bryan and it looked like the briefcase was his.

Edge, Ziggler and Bryan struggled to make it to their feet, but the three continued to fight.  Jericho grabbed onto the briefcase as the other three knocked over the ladder.  Jericho held on for dear life, but Ziggler grabbed onto his legs and pulled down.  Edge then speared Ziggler.  Jericho recovered and hit the Codebreaker on Edge, but a missile dropkick from Bryan knocked Y2J out of the ring.  Bryan slowly made his way up the ladder while the other competitors struggled to stop him.  As the five finally got to the ladder to stop him, Bryan pulled the briefcase, winning the match.

Backstage, X-Pac was shown talking to Road Dogg. “Hey man, you see what match is up next?” Road Dogg said to X-Pac. “Yea, I see. Boy does he have a surprise waiting in store for him,” X-Pac said in agreement.

Next up was the US Title Match between the champion, Shawn Michaels and former D-X member, Billy Gunn. The match was underway with Michaels taking Gunn to school. He was faster and more athletic, keeping Gunn on his heels. Gunn did use his size to slow down the wily HBK, and soon used it to take control of the match.

Wearing down Michaels with a headlock, Gunn was feeling the momentum shift in his way. But HBK got himself out of the head lock and began his comeback with a couple running flying forearms. Gunn, reeling from the flying forearms, nearly walked into a surprise Sweet Chin Music but ducked. Unfortunately for the referee, Michaels’ boot caught him under the chin and knocked him out cold.

With both guys on the mat and reeling, X-Pac and Road Dogg made their way down to the ring. They slid in as Road Dogg helped HBK up to his feet, X-Pac grabbed Gunn and held his arms behind him. Michaels set up for a Sweet Chin Music but Road Dogg turned on HBK, landing a couple of left jabs on Michaels before knocking him into the corner. X-Pac then ran in and performed the Bronco Buster on HBK. As Michaels rolled out of the corner, Gunn landed the Fame-Asser and cover HBK. The ref came to just in time to count to three and land Gunn the winner, shocking everyone in the crowd.

Next, Team USA was set to take on the Shield for the Tag Team Titles.  Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins represented the team, and Roman Reigns was banned from the match as a result of his loss on Raw.  Also, the stipulation that USA would win the belts if the Shield were DQ’d was in place.

A solid tag team match with USA controlling the pace as the Shield looked out of sorts without Reigns. Ambrose took control eventually, isolating Henry. Henry eventually made it back to his ring and Angle cleaned house.  Angle hit the Angle Slam on Rollins, who was tagged in, before the Shield’s music hit and Reigns made his way to the ring.  USA asked the referee to call for the bell, but the referee would not.  Reigns circled the ring on the outside and Henry chased him. While that was going on, Rollins hit Angle with a superkick and picked up the win for the Shield.

R-Truth made his way down to the ring for his match.  Raw Commissioner Real Deal then came out and told Truth that he is a keeper of his word and had to quickly look for an opponent after Truth failed to qualify for the MITB match.  He added that he only had six days to find an opponent and that many of the competitors who were not already booked thought it was too short of notice.  Real Deal continued, saying, however after trying hard, he found someone willing.

A familiar theme hit and out of the curtain came the Animal himself, Batista!  R-Truth looked stunned. Batista then made his way to the ring for the match.

As Batista entered the ring, Truth charged at him, but Batista nailed him with a spinebuster.  Batista then called for the Batista Bomb and nailed Truth. A three count later and the quick match was over as Batista celebrated his return in the ring with a shake of the ropes.

After the surprising turn of events, it was time for the World Heavyweight Title
between the challenger, John Cena, and the champion, Alberto Del Rio. When Cena came down to the ring, he had his mic with him. But he wasn’t in the rapping mood. “I could spit a long rhyme, but I’m gonna keep it simple. I’m gonna pop your ass, Del Rio, just like your lover’s butt pimple.”

The match began with the two trading quick blows. Del Rio knocked Cena down and ripped his jersey and chain off him and threw them out of the ring. Del Rio then began to work on Cena’s bad shoulder which he softened at the end of Smackdown. It was looking like Del Rio was going to hold most of the momentum but Cena didn’t allow that. As the fight spilled out of the ring, Cena took over the momentum and began to work Del Rio. With Del Rio up against the barricade, Cena went for a spear. Del Rio moved out of the way in time and Cena went crashing through, further injuring his shoulder.

Del Rio pulled Cena out fo the rubble and rolled him back in the ring for a pin attempt. Cena kicked out, but Del Rio was in the driver’s seat at that point. Del Rio worked Cena into the the Cross Arm Breaker and Cena screamed in pain. Somehow, Cena was able to roll up Del Rio and got on top of him. What Cena did next was amazing, lifting Del Rio up on to his shoulders and performing a surprise FU. Both men lied motionless on the mat while the ref began his 10 count.

After the two raced to their feet to beat the count, Del Rio began landing a pair of kicks on Cena’s shoulder. But on the third kick, Cena blocked it and whipped Del Rio into the ropes. There he pulled off a pair of shoulder blocks and a slam to set up the Five Knuckle Shuffle. After landing it, Cena called for another FU. Del Rio was prepared for this one, wriggling his way out of the finished and again grabbing Cena’s arm to set up his submission move. But Cena landed a few blows and pulled Del Rio back up onto his shoulders again and landed the FU this time. A pin later and Cena was the new champion!

Next up was the match between Smackdown’s commissioner Roose and Brodus Clay, who was frustrated with how he was being treated on Smackdown. Roose got to the ring after Clay, and just before the bell rang, Roose asked for the microphone. “In the interest of fairness, I know you really want to get your hands on me. So I’ll allow anything to go in this match. It’s a no DQ match, Brodus. So whatever happens, happens.”

Roose tossed the mic out of the ring and turned to face Clay with both hands up in the air, welcoming the assault. The bell rung, and with a smile, Clay sauntered closer to Roose. But out from the back, Kofi Kingston and Rey Mysterio attack Clay from behind, beating him down. After a Trouble in Paradise, Roose placed his boot on Clay’s chest and earned the cheap pin.

Steve Austin and Kane made their entrances to the ring for their match with CM Punk and Brock Lesnar.  Kane and Punk started the match, which was more like a brawl.

The two battled and both made tags to their partners throughout the match, keeping all four fresh.  Eventually it boiled down to Punk and Austin.  The two rivals beat each other until Kane was brought back into the match.  Kane beat on the smaller Punk and hit him with a chokeslam but only got a two count.  Punk crawled to his corner where he tagged in Lesnar.

Lesnar went to work on Kane. He wore down the Big Red Machine and then hit Kane with the F-5, seemingly earning the win for his team.  However, Austin got into the ring to breakup the pin attempt, which brought Punk into the ring as well.  All four men brawled and the referee could not control the competitors.  Punk hit Kane with the GTS in the chaos.  After that, Austin tossed Punk out of the ring, then hit Lesnar with the Stunner.  He then scored the pinfall for his team on the ensuing pin attempt before Punk could get back into the ring.

Punk berated Lesnar for losing the match. Lesnar then hit Punk with the F-5 and pointed to Austin.  Austin charged Lesnar and the two made their way out of the ring and continued to brawl into the crowd.  Just then, Daniel Bryan’s music hit and the MITB winner started running down to the ring to cash in.  Kane sat up and the Big Red Machine went for Punk. Punk ducked a Big Boot attempt and Kane planted his foot right into the face of Daniel Bryan.  Punk escaped the ring with his title as Kane tried to help Bryan to his feet.

After a near cash-in, it was time for the final Money in the Bank match. Randy Orton, Justin Gabriel, Wade Barrett, Godfather and Rey Mysterio all made their way down to the ring. All that was left was for the 6th man to enter the ring. As the five stood around in the ring and waited, Gabriel and Barrett began to trade insults and before long, an all-out brawl began in the ring. But then, the gong tolled.

As the light’s went out, everyone in the ring froze as the place exploded. The Undertaker has returned! He slowly walked down to the ring, past the ladders in the aisle and up the steel steps. He stood on the corner of the ring, looked at everyone in the ring, and removed his hat. With that he stripped the robe and climbed into the ring, making a beeline for Orton. The match was underway with everyone pairing off.

Mysterio and Godfather spilled out of the ring early and made their way towards the announce table. Godfather landed a stiff kick to the gut of Mysterio and set him up for a powerbomb onto the announce table. But Mysterio turned it into a Hurricanrana and sent Godfather went flying into the announce table. Mysterio grabbed a ladder and set it up. He then climbed to the top and dropped the dime on Godfather, which pretty much knocked the two out of the match.

It became a fatal fourway with that. Back in the ring, Undertaker was wearing down Orton, driving his hip into the gut of Orton in the corner. With Orton worn down, Gabriel came flying in on top of Taker, looking to get himself a piece of the phenom. Taker was dropped to one knee with a series of blows from Gabriel, who bounced off the ring and drop kicked him in the head. Barrett, who was outside the ring, slid a ladder into the ring. Gabriel, still riding his momentum, dropped kick the ladder into the face of Barrett, who picked it back up with the intent to use it as a weapon.

Gabriel set up the ladder and began to climb but Taker was back on his feet. He yanked Gabriel down from the ladder and began to take the young high flyer to school. He then set up Gabriel for Old School, jumping off the top rope and knocking Gabriel out of the equation for a bit. Orton then came out of nowhere and hit Taker with an RKO. Orton ascended the ladder and had his hands on the briefcase but Barrett had climbed the ladder as well. The two battled on top of the ladder and Barrett landed a Bull Hammer from out of nowhere, knocking Orton off. As Barrett reached for the briefcase, Mysterio came flying off the top rope and drop kicked Barrett off the ladder, knocking it down in the process.

Godfather then slid into the ring and set the ladder back up. As Godfather began to climb, Gabriel joined him in the race for the briefcase. Gabriel, with not much else to do against the bigger Godfather, sunset flipped over the top of the ladder and power bombed the Godfather down onto the ring. This left all six men laying around the ring.

Barrett and Orton came to, and the two began to battle in the ring. Gabriel joined the fray and went straight for the both of them. Gabriel bounced off the ropes and super kicked Orton right in the face. But as he turned around, he walked into a choke slam by the Undertaker. Taker then turned around and chokeslammed Wade Barrett. Taker set up the ladder and began his climb for the briefcase.

As Taker climbed, Orton began to climb with him. The two were at the top of the ladder and trading punches. Orton than tucked Taker’s head under his arm, looking to DDT him off the ladder. But Taker landed a few rib shots, causing Orton to release his grip. Taker then wrapped his hand around Orton’s throat and looked him in the eyes. Running his thumb across his own throat, Taker chokeslammed Orton off the ladder. Taker reached up, unhooked the briefcase and won the match.

With Taker’s music playing, Cena walked out to the top of the ramp, holding up his newly won championship belt. Taker, holding the briefcase in his left hand, stared back at Cena and made the same motion towards Cena that he did to Orton, ending the wild PPV.

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