Smackdown 23: Cena, Del Rio Take Off

Smackdown kicked off with Wade Barrett‘s music. The bare-knuckle champ walked down to the ring to enter himself into the Money in the Bank match after his impressive win in the triple threat match last week. Roose came out and tells Barrett he is in the match, joining Godfather as the first two of the six competitors that will compete.

After Barrett was satisfied with the response from Roose, he left the ring to the commissioner, who had other matters to discuss. Sheamus is still injured and won’t be able to compete at Money in the Bank. “With that, Sheamus forfeits his automatic bid for the match. But when Sheamus is healthy, I will allow him to invoke his rematch clause with whoever is champion whenever he wants. As for now, I need to fill that third spot. After talking with my assistant Mick Foley this past week, we have an idea on who is going to fill the spot. See, there is a super star set to make his return soon and Mick felt he deserves a spot in the match. Now, now, I’m not going to spoil everything at once. You’ll eventually know who it is.” With that, Roose left the ring so his show can begin.

Tag action kicked off Smackdown. Zack Ryder and Heath Slater took on the team of Kofi Kingston and Sin Cara, who is filling in for Rey Mysterio who has a match next for a Money in the Bank spot. Things didn’t go well for Sin Cara, whose high flying antics got the best of him. He went for a cross body splash from the top rope onto the floor but Ryder ducked out of the way and Sin Cara hit his head on the announce table. The ref counted him out and Ryder/Slater won the match.

Next up was the Money in the Bank qualifier match between Mysterio and Christian. It was a fast-paced match, much to the liking of Mysterio. Like a gnat, Mysterio was all over Christian, not letting him gain too much momentum. Christian go the advantage though, hitting a belly-to-belly suplex as he started to wear down Mysterio. He put Mysterio in a head lock and the high flyer battled back to get momentum. He set Christian up for the 619 and he got the pin to become the third man in the Money in the Bank match.

World Heavyweight champion Alberto Del Rio made his way down to the ring to answer John Cena’s rap from last week. Del Rio referred to Cena as “childish” and said Cena was a washed up, wannabe thug.” Del Rio went on to talk about how he was better than Cena in every aspect, in and outside the ring. He promised a win at Money in the Bank and that he would teach Cena what it means to be a loyal and honorable champion.

The third match of the night saw Shawn Michaels take on Randy Orton in non-title singles action. Michaels, the US Champion, will have a match against Billy Gunn at Money in the Bank. Ironically, Gunn was on commentary for the match, talking about how Michaels was a wash-up and can’t hang with the bigger, stronger Gunn in the ring. If that was the case, Michaels looked damn good in the ring with Orton, a known legend killer and one of the best stars in the industry.

Orton and Michaels exchanged momentum throughout an exciting match. Unfortunately for the crowd, the result wouldn’t end in the ring in the excellent exhibition. While outside the ring, Orton and Michaels were fighting near the announce desk. After Michaels blocked Orton from banging his head on the desk, he elbowed him in the gut before he threw him over the announce table and into Gunn. Michaels rolled back into the ring and gave Gunn the D-X salute while he regained his composure.

Gunn didn’t like being told to “Suck it” and stormed the ring where he and HBK fought, drawing the DQ. Michaels didn’t care, rallying with a couple flying forearms before setting up Gunn for a super kick to the jaw. As Michaels tuned up the band, Gunn was aware of his surroundings and rolled out of the ring to avoid getting his head kicked off.

Backstage, Brodus Clay barged into Roose’s office, clearly upset. Clay wanted to know why Roose didn’t have him booked for any matches that night. Roose told Clay he was giving him the night off to gather himself. “Look, you haven’t been that impressive in the ring lately and you’re in a funk mentally… and not the kinda funk you wanna be in. Maybe you should nix the dancing act or something, but you need to figure yourself out if you want me to take you seriously.” Clay wasn’t into Roose’s constructive criticism, firing back with an insult that made Roose’s blood boil. “You don’t know anything about being talented in the ring, especially after Real Deal kicked your ass.” With that, Clay stormed out.

The fourth match of the night saw John Cena take on Godfather, who landed himself in the Money in the Bank match last week. With the Godfather already in the ring, Cena’s music hit. Mic in hand, Cena was ready to dish out another rap:

In just two weeks I’m gonna be champ
But first I got the Godfather and his group of tramps.

Hey bro, don’t offer me one of your ladies
It’s hard for a brotha like me to win with STDs.

Look at you in your stupid green vest and a feather in your cap

Lookin’ like Peter Pan’s grand pa took a giant crap.

I’m gonna kick your ass Godfather
Right in front of your sluts.
They’re gonna come back with me
And grab them a handful of deez nuts

Cena slid into the ring and the two began the match. Cena wore down Godfather with a series of suplexes and holds. Godfather began to come back though, giving Cena a bit of a struggle. Cena began to rally back though, landing a couple shoulder blocks before landing the Five Knuckle Shuffle in which he mocked Godfather’s hoe train before dropping the punch.

As Cena set up Godfather for the AA, Godfather used his size to wriggle off of Cena’s shoulders and shove him into the corner. Godfather wound up for the Hoe Train but Cena moved out of the way at the last minute. He scooped up a dazed Godfather, landing the AA and earning the win.

Next up was Road Dogg against the Miz. Miz lost last week against Godfather in a Money in the Bank qualifier and is looking for a rebound match. He got it against Road Dogg, who couldn’t keep up with the younger, quicker Miz. After a solid showing, Miz landed the Skull-Crushing Finale to earn the victory.

The main event of the night saw Del Rio take on Wade Barrett in non-title action. It was a great main event match between two of the up and coming stars in the industry. Del Rio was victorious in the impressive showing, making Barrett tap to the Cross Arm Breaker. But as soon as the match ended, Cena’s music hit and he came running down to the ring.

The two began to trade blows with the crowd absolutely on fire. Del Rio backed Cena into a corner with a series of kicks but Cena began to fight back. He landed a German suplex that dazed Del Rio. As Cena stalked the groggy Del Rio, he was surprised with a Cross Arm Breaker attempt. Cena countered it, going for the AA but Del Rio wormed his way out of it and slid out the ring. Del Rio backed up the ramp with the two trading insults as Smackdown went off the air.

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About John Russo

John Russo graduated from Rowan University in Glassboro, NJ in 2011 as a journalism major with a heavy interest in sports. He was on the sports staff for the school’s student publication, The Whit, and has interned for the Gloucester County Times in Woodbury, NJ. He is the founder and editor of Team to Beat, which was established in February 2009 and has a staff of eight writers. Hire him.

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