Raw 27: Punk, Austin Have Words for Heyman

This week’s Raw began with the glass shattering and the first appearance of Steve Austin since his victory at Money in the Bank. Austin went on a tirade, saying he defeated the champion and his buddy, or whatever they are now, and won’t get a title shot because of a contract he signed before Extreme Rules. Austin said that a stupid contract isn’t going to stop him from eventually regaining the WWE Title.

Paul Heyman made his way out to address Austin. He reminded Austin of the contract he signed, negating any future title shots while CM Punk is champion. Austin said he didn’t give a damn who had the title, he deserved a shot, contract or not. Heyman laughed, told Austin to have a fantastic day and left the stage as Austin was furious.

Afterwards, Michael Cole reminded viewers that Jack Swagger would get a title shot later in the night and that Commissioner Real Deal announced earlier that a Lumberjill Match between Trish Stratus and Beth Phoenix for the Diva’s Title would take place tonight.

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Smackdown 26: Clay Earns Rematch

Smackdown kicked off with Brodus Clay coming down to the ring. Clay is clearly upset after the cheap way Roose beat him at Money in the Bank. Clay went on to say that Smackdown is run like a circus and that he wanted a rematch with the commissioner. Roose interrupts Clay mid-rant and makes an offer to him.

“Look, Brodus, I’m a reasonable man. I’m not afraid to put my money where my mouth is. If you want a rematch, then I’ll grant it to you. But under one condition… if you can win a match right now, then you will have your rematch.” Music hit and both Kofi Kingston and Rey Mysterio came down to the ring. Clay still had the mic in hand and said, “Okay, which of these jokers do I have to squash to get my hands on you?” Roose just smiled, lifted the mic and said, “Both.”

The match was underway with Kingston and Mysterio simultaneously beating down on Clay. Clay tried to fight back but he was just too slow to overcome the constant assault from both Mysterio and Kingston. Kingston held Clay down and Mysterio went to the top ropes, landing a splash and pin attempt but Clay kicked out.

Clay climbed to his feet and Mysterio continued his assault while Kingston held his arms back. Mysterio bounced off the ropes and landed a drop kick that staggered Clay. Mysterio went for the drop kick again but this time Clay caught him mid air and threw him on the ground. Kingston then went to attack Clay, pushing him back to create space and attempt a Trouble in Paradise. But as Kingston went for the kick, Clay ducked and Kingston hit Mysterio, who was getting to his feet. Clay threw Kingston out of the ring, landed the body splash and pinned Mysterio for the win. Roose, who was still on the stage, stormed to the back after seeing his team fail him.

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Raw 26: Shield Offer Challenge; Commissioner Hurt

This week’s Raw began with a match between Team Hell No and the Rhodes Scholars.  Team Hell No dominated in the early going, as Daniel Bryan and Kane seemed to patch up their differences for the match.  Kane was almost able to put Sandow away early, but Rhodes was there to help his partner.

Eventually, it boiled down to Rhodes and Bryan.  Bryan had the advantage, but a distracted referee allowed Sandow to get a cheap shot in on Bryan.  Kane went after Sandow and Bryan yelled to his partner to tag out.  While he was getting Kane’s attention, Bryan was hit with a CrossRhodes, scoring the Scholars the sneaky victory.  Bryan was furious with Kane once again after the match, screaming at him.

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Smackdown 25: The “neXt Generation”

As Smackdown was kicking off, the announce crew read a tweet by Roose stating, “Boy do @RealMickFoley and I have a surprise for you guys tonight!” But the surprise would have to wait as the show was set to kick off with some action between Wade Barrett and Randy Orton. Orton and Barrett both had their hands on the briefcase at one point during the MITB match but weren’t able to come through with the victory. A strong showing by either would keep their name in talks for the World Heavyweight Title, which will also be defended later in the show.

The match started out in Barrett’s favor as he worked Orton into a corner and began to wear him down. Orton battled back though and the two traded momentum throughout the whole match. Orton got the momentum going though against Barrett, controlling the brawler with his combination of strength and speed. After a vintage DDT, Orton went for the RKO and landed it on Barrett, earning the win.

After the match, the new clique of X-PacRoad Dogg, and Billy Gunn were making their way to the ring because they had a lot of explaining to do. After the break, their music hit and the trio, with some extra pep in their step after pulling off a complete work of the fans, made their way to the ring to gloat in their success.

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Raw 25: Friendships Torn Apart

Raw began with a match between Batista and Antonio Cesaro. Highlights were shown of Batista’s re-debut match last night against R-Truth.  The strong Cesaro was able to hold his own against Batista, but eventually Batista used his strength and experience to finish off Cesaro. Despite a solid showing from the Swiss native, Batista hit him with the Batista Bomb for the victory.

Team USA was backstage discussing their loss to the Shield last night.  Mark Henry was apologetic for chasing Roman Reigns instead of bailing out Kurt Angle in the ring.  Angle told him not to worry about it as they have a match against the Rhodes Scholars that they can put the loss behind them.

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Money In the Bank: We Have A New Champ!

Money in the Bank opened with the participants of the Raw MITB match coming to the ring: Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, Edge, Jack Swagger & Ryback.  Ziggler ran for a ladder as soon as the bell rung, but was caught by Jericho.  Edge paired off with Ryback and Bryan with Swagger.  The six battled it out before Swagger introduced the first ladder into the match.  He spun it like an airplane, knocking everyone down before Bryan dropkicked him in the leg.  Ziggler picked up the ladder and tried to make his way up before he was thwarted by Jericho, who hea battled at the top.

Jericho tossed Ziggler down and grabbed for the belt, but Edge speared Bryan into the ladder, knocking Jericho to the outside.  Swagger and Ryback continued their feud, with Ryback nailing Swagger with a steel chair.  Swagger fell out of the ring as Ryback turned his attention to Edge, who he hit with the Meathook Clothesline.  Ziggler and Bryan battled on the other side of the ring as Ryback set up the ladder.

However, Jericho grabbed his feet from the outside, knocking him down.  Ziggler hit the Zig Zag on Bryan and started his ascent once more.  Edge climbed on the other side as the two traded punches at the top.  Edge then hit the Downward Spiral off the top of the ladder, flooring both competitors.

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Smackdown 24: MITB Qualifiers; Cena, Barrett Battle

Smackdown kicked off with the commissioner, Roose, walking down to the ring. Roose announced that with three contestants already in the Money in the Bank match as well as a fourth set to make his return at the Pay Per View, he will hold two matches tonight to decided the final two men in the match.

“Later tonight, former US Champion Justin Gabriel will take on X-Pac. The winner will wrestle Sunday for a chance to earn a contract to wrestle for the World Heavyweight belt. Following that match, the second deciding match will see Randy Orton take on Kofi Kingston.”

“Now also, I know you’re all wondering who this sixth man will be. I will say he’s a returning star and a former champion. But that’s all I’m going to give you,” Roose added, receiving a nice dose of boos. “Don’t boo me just yet because I haven’t announced tonight’s main event just yet! In tonight’s final match, Wade Barrett will take on John Cena in this very ring and it will be a dandy of a match. And to quote a certain ‘Intellectual Savior of the Masses’ over on Raw: You’re Welcome!”

Action kicked off with Christian taking on Sin Cara. The two were very impressive in their match. Sin Cara was flying all over the ring with ease and Christian was using his veteran prowess as to not get caught up in Sin Cara’s fast attack and it made for some great wrestling. At one point, the camera panned back stage to Roose intently watching the match and nodding his head in approval.

After a Russian leg sweep wiped both guys out, Christian slowly got to his feet and climbed to the top ropes to set up Sin Cara for a high flying move. But Sin Cara got up and knocked Christian down onto the turnbuckle. Sin Cara then climbed the top ropes with Christian and landed an incredible Moonsault Side Slam. He earned the pin and the impressive victory.

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Raw 24: Pre-PPV Faceoff; Battle Royal

Commissioner Real Deal began Raw by making an announcement about the Money in the Bank match.  Real Deal announced that Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan, Edge, Ryback and Jack Swagger have all qualified for the match, but one slot remains due to the repeated interference.

He announced that all of those participants will have a match tonight, but the losers from the MITB qualifiers, John Morrison, Antonio Cesaro, Dolph Ziggler, R-Truth and both members of the Rhodes Scholars would be in an over-the-top-rope battle royal later tonight for the final spot.  He added that he would keep his promise to R-Truth, if he did not win the battle royal, he would still have a match on the PPV.

Real Deal changed the subject to the Shield.  He said that all three members would be involved in singles matches tonight to determine who would represent the Tag Team Champions on Sunday.  Whoever wins would be allowed to be in their match against Team USA.  He also declared that the title would change hands on a DQ, therefore any illegal Shield members interfering would cost the team their titles.

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Smackdown 23: Cena, Del Rio Take Off

Smackdown kicked off with Wade Barrett‘s music. The bare-knuckle champ walked down to the ring to enter himself into the Money in the Bank match after his impressive win in the triple threat match last week. Roose came out and tells Barrett he is in the match, joining Godfather as the first two of the six competitors that will compete.

After Barrett was satisfied with the response from Roose, he left the ring to the commissioner, who had other matters to discuss. Sheamus is still injured and won’t be able to compete at Money in the Bank. “With that, Sheamus forfeits his automatic bid for the match. But when Sheamus is healthy, I will allow him to invoke his rematch clause with whoever is champion whenever he wants. As for now, I need to fill that third spot. After talking with my assistant Mick Foley this past week, we have an idea on who is going to fill the spot. See, there is a super star set to make his return soon and Mick felt he deserves a spot in the match. Now, now, I’m not going to spoil everything at once. You’ll eventually know who it is.” With that, Roose left the ring so his show can begin.

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