Raw 21: MITB Qualifiers; Punk in Action

Raw began with Commissioner Real Deal coming to the ring. He talked about his victorious brutal battle with Roose and his team. Real Deal then announced that the Money in the Bank pay-per-view was in four weeks and he had six slots available for the event. He added that he had some names already in his head and two qualifying matches would be held over the next three weeks to get the six entrants.

Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho then interrupted the boss, stating that as IC Champ, he should automatically be given a spot. Real Deal mulled it over and agreed stating the belt was next in line to the WWE championship. However, he added that Jericho would still have to compete before the event and would be in action next week against Steve Austin.

The first match of the night was a Money in the Bank Qualifier with John Morrison taking on Edge. A fast paced match with Morrison’s high flying and Edge’s expertise on display. Edge had an advantage and went for the Spear to finish the match, but Morrison ducked out of the way. Edge crashed into the ringpost, while Morrison jumped onto the turnbuckle and leg dropped Edge. Only getting a two count, Morrison went on the offensive and tried to put Edge away. However, a failed Starship Pain turned into the opening Edge needed, who hit the Spear and won the match.

Following that match, the Rhodes Scholars went up against Jack Swagger & the Big Show. A fairly standard tag match with the Scholars using their technical skills against their opponents’ strength advantage. Late in the match, The Big Show went for the KO Punch on Rhodes, connecting and sending him into the corner. Sandow tagged himself in before Show realized and dropkicked the seven footer. Rhodes rolled out of the ring and Sandow went for the pin on Show. With the referee’s back turned to him, Rhodes held Show’s legs down from the outside. Swagger tried to break up the pin, but was too late. He then argued with the referee afterwards to no avail.

Kane and Daniel Bryan teamed up on Raw.

Kane and Daniel Bryan teamed up on Raw.

Backstage, Daniel Bryan and Kane were talking about the Money in the Bank. Bryan told Kane that they should keep their tag team ambitions on the backburner and try to get into the MITB. Kane agreed and said that they can always go for the Tag Team titles again later.

Next was a Money in the Bank qualifying match between R-Truth and Antonio Cesaro. A fairly even match with both competitors hungry to move up. Cesaro used his strength to his advantage and almost won the match early on but couldn’t quite put Truth away. Truth fought back and was able to hit a flying forearm smash and then called for his finisher, the Lie Detector.

However, the match was interrupted by Brock Lesnar storming the ring and destroying both competitors. CM Punk joined him in the ring as Truth and Cesaro were getting attention from the trainers. CM Punk went on a diatribe against the WWE locker room, saying there was nobody who is able to defeat Punk and Lesnar. Punk said he’s beaten Steve Austin and both members of Hell No and that Lesnar is a monster. Punk added that the duo will continue to wreak havoc on the WWE as long as they feel like it.

Following, Team Hell No faced off against the APA. Kane started the match with Faarooq. Faarooq tried to beat down the Big Red Machine, but Kane wouldn’t have any of it. Faarooq ended up tagging in Bradshaw and he brawled with Kane. Bryan was eventually tagged in and slowed down the match with submission attempts.

Bradshaw battled back and ended up hitting Bryan with the clothesline from Hell. Kane entered the ring and chokeslammed Bradshaw. Faarooq got involved, but Kane clotheslined him out of the ring. Kane then pulled Bryan on top of Bradshaw to give the win to Team Hell No. Kane then lifted up Bryan’s arm in celebration as the two hugged.

In Diva’s action, AJ was put into a Handicap match against Beth Phoenix and Eve. Beth and Eve have had issues with AJ after she had interfered in their matches recently. Beth started the match for her team. The duo worked together to beat on AJ, but had a little friction when Beth went for the pin. Eve broke up the pin and Beth pushed her down. AJ rolled up Beth but only got a two count. Beth then hit AJ with the Glam Slam and picked up the win while Eve scowled.

The main event of the night pitted WWE Champion CM Punk against Dolph Ziggler in a non-title match. Punk seemed upset that he had to fight but tried to make it a quick match. Ziggler was up for the challenge and matched Punk move for move. Ziggler dropkicked Punk out of the ring and Punk started headed to the back until Ziggler chased him down and threw him into the steel steps. He then rolled Punk back into the ring.

Punk started to turn the tide to his advantage but Ziggler wouldn’t let him keep it. Eventually, Ziggler went to the top rope to finish Punk off, but only got a two count in the pin attempt. Ziggler then went for the Fameasser, but Punk ducked the move and caught Ziggler, putting him into the GTS. Punk hit the move, and won the match. CM Punk then held his title, standing over Ziggler, as the show ended.

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