Raw 20: Setting the Stage

Commissioner Real Deal started Raw along with Team USA.  Real Deal started off by calling what Roose did on Smackdown disrespectful.  He said it was disrespectful to the fans, the poor vendor he attacked and Real Deal himself.  Real Deal went onto explain that people may not like him for some of the decisions he’s made, but he had Raw and the fans’ interest at heart.  He continued, saying, what he does on Raw is his business.

He kept going, saying that when Roose’s team interfered in a match between Raw teams, a line was crossed.  In Real Deal’s eyes, it was no longer about his decisions on his show, but it was an attack on the entire show.  It was turned into “us vs. them” and that he’d support any member of his roster against the rival show.

As for the match itself, Real Deal said he’d love to mix it up with Roose, and offered to make the match into a six-man between himself and USA and Roose and his team.

The first match of the night saw R-Truth take on Ryback.  Truth was no match for the monsterous Ryback, who threw Truth all over the ring.  Finally, Ryback hit his clothesline and the Shellshocked, giving him the win.  Following the vicious loss, Truth grabbed a mic and angrily asked who set that match up.

The Big Show & Jack Swagger faced The Rhodes Scholars on Raw.

The Big Show & Jack Swagger faced The Rhodes Scholars on Raw.

Next, Jack Swagger and the Big Show teamed to take on the Rhodes Scholars.  Swagger and Show worked together like they had teamed for years, while Rhodes initially refused to tag Sandow in.  Eventually, Sandow became the legal man, but Swagger & Show continued their domination.  With the match near its’ end, Rhodes left the apron and headed to the back.  Show hit Sandow with a KO Punch and was finished by a Swagger Bomb, ending the match.

Backstage, Kurt Angle asked Real Deal if it was a good idea to add himself into the tag team match at Payback.  Real Deal told Angle and Mark Henry that he knows those two can beat Kofi & Rey.  But, he added, it’s personal.  Henry then added that he’s seen the Commish at the gym, so he’s no slouch with physical activity.  Real Deal then asked the two to give him some pointers.

Following, Daniel Bryan faced off against Antonio Cesaro.  An interesting match which pitted speed against strength and both men had the upper hand at times.  Cesaro looked like he was going to pull the upset victory with the Neutralizer, but Bryan was able to sneak out of the move.  Bryan then downed Cesaro with a suplex and applied the No Lock.  Despite Cesaro’s best efforts, he could not reach the rope and tapped out, giving Bryan the win.

Kane came to the ring to talk about his upcoming match with CM Punk.  Kane suggested that CM Punk is taking him lightly.  He reminded Punk that he’s a Grand Slam champion.  Kane also told Punk that he’s still angry about the beating of Daniel Bryan.

This brought out CM Punk.  Punk told Kane that he’s not overlooking him, he’s just confident because he’s the best in the world.  He reminds Kane that his “Grand Slam” days were a decade ago, and his time is past.  Punk added that he’s already beaten Daniel Bryan, who is the better member of team Hell No. He then added that he’s done wasting his time talking and started making his way to the ring, but was held back by WWE officials.

The next bout was between Roman Reigns and Faarooq.  More like a brawl between these two than a wrestling match.  The battle spilled to the outside quickly and Faarooq whipped Reigns into the guard rail, following it up with a clothesline.  However, Reigns exploded into Faarooq with a spear through the timekeeper’s area.  Reigns rolled Faarooq back into the ring, but Faarooq was able to recover and kick out of the pin attempt.

Reigns tried to finish Faarooq off with a clothesline, but Faarooq ducked it as both went off the ropes.  Faarooq was able to hit Reigns with a spinebuster but only got a two count.  The two brawled some more before Reigns was able to hit Faarooq with another spear, this time he was able to get the three count.

Backstage, we see Kurt Angle and Mark Henry showing Real Deal some moves.  Real Deal thanked the duo and told them that there’s one more thing that he needed from them before the match.  The camera then cut away.

Next, Trish Stratus and AJ were paired together against Beth Phoenix and Eve.  A typical Diva’s tag match, although Trish was still a little distrustful of AJ.  The two managed to work together and despite a near-fall by Beth, Trish was able to hit the Stratusfaction on Eve for the victory.

The main event for the night was Steve Austin taking on Brock Lesnar.  The official match didn’t last too long as both Austin and Lesnar scrapped on the outside, spilled into the crowd and started using weapons.  Austin started smashing Lesnar in the back with a chair, which prompted CM Punk to come to Lesnar’s aid.  Punk and Austin battled, but Lesnar recovered and smashed Austin with a clothesline.

Kane and Daniel Bryan were next to come out and battled Punk and Lesnar.  Eventually, Lesnar F-5’d Bryan as Kane chokeslammed Punk.  Lesnar then threw Kane out of the ring, as Austin was climbing back in.  Lesnar and Austin traded blows and the show ended with a Stone Cold Stunner to Lesnar.

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