Raw 19: Challenge Accepted; Conspiracy Accusation

Raw started with Commissioner Real Deal coming to ringside to do commentary during Kurt Angle’s match with Antonio Cesaro.  Angle took it to Cesaro, despite Cesaro’s advantage in youth.  But Angle couldn’t keep the resilient Cesaro’s shoulders down for a three count.

Angle was about to put Cesaro away with the Angle Lock when, through the crowd, Kofi and Rey appeared.  Angle dropped Cesaro and started yelling at the Smackdown invaders.  While he was distracted, Cesaro rolled up Angle for the surprise victory.  Angle was furious at the loss, inviting the two into the ring.

Real Deal got out of his chair and started yelling at Kofi & Rey.  He told them to get out of the arena and shoved Rey.  Kofi responded with a swift kick to the head, knocking Real Deal down.  Angle chased after the two, but they retreated into the crowd.

Dolph Ziggler faced John Morrison to become the #1 contender for the Intercontinental Title.  Both had claims to this; Ziggler as former champion and Morrison, the loser of the tournament final.  It was a face paced match with Ziggler taking control late.  Morrison went for a clothesline, but Ziggler was able to whip him into the corner.  After Morrison groggily backed out of the corner, Ziggler hit the Zig Zag and picked up the win.

R-Truth aired his grievances on Raw.

R-Truth aired his grievances on Raw.

R-Truth entered the ring to speak his mind.  Truth began by saying that there’s somebody in the back holding him down.  He explained that he’s not sure if it’s race related or someone just doesn’t like him.  Truth went onto say that he’s sick of getting screwed in matches and he’s going to work to find out the truth.  He ended his promo by saying someone is going to “get got.”

Following, was a tag match between the Rhodes Scholars and the APA.  The Scholars tried their hardest, but were dominated by the APA.  During the battle, Sandow escaped the ring and ran up the ramp while Rhodes took a Clothesline from Hell, knocking him out.  Bradshaw pinned Rhodes for the impressive victory.

Faarooq then took the mic and told the Shield that this is how the APA beat people.  He added that they can’t wait until they get a chance to teach the Shield a thing or two.

Backstage, Real Deal was furious, telling Angle & Henry that he’s tired of the Smackdown invaders.  He told the two that he knows that they can beat Kofi and Rey alone, but that he’d love to get his hands on them after tonight’s stunt.

Beth Phoenix took on Eve next  The winner of the match would become the #1 contender for Trish’s Diva’s Title.  Eve was out to a surprising advantage but AJ came out to ringside and started skipping around like she did on Smackdown.  This time, Beth was able to take advantage and hit the Glam Slam for the victory.

Next, CM Punk came to the ring.  Punk joked about Kane’s threats and his challenge. He called Kane “over the hill” and didn’t even know why he was upset.  Punk said that he and Lesnar had matches with Bryan and asked what they were supposed to do, lose?  Punk told Kane to be careful what he wished for and that he’d see him at Payback.

Edge faced Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho in the next match.  The two friends shook hands before the match and it started off quick, as both knew each others’ style and tendencies.  Edge hit a DDT onto Y2J but only got a two count.  Jericho battled back and eventually had an opening for the Lionsault, but Edge rolled out of the way.

Edge went for the spear, but was intercepted by an interrupting Shield.  The trio beat on Edge and Jericho, giving them both triple powerbombs.  Dean Ambrose then grabbed the mic and said he hopes the APA were watching because a similar scenario is in their future.  The Shield then left through the crowd.

In the back, Trish thanked AJ for her help during her matches but told AJ that she didn’t need to interfere in every match.   Trish explained that she can win on her own and while she appreciates the help, she doesn’t necessarily always need it.

The main bout of the night was Kane taking on Brock Lesnar in a grudge match.  Lesnar had the size advantage but the wily veteran Kane gave him a tough match.  Kane tried every move in the book but Lesnar was one step ahead.  Lesnar was ready to put the match away with the F-5 but Kane was able to wiggle out of the set up.

Lesnar then hit Kane with a clothesline and grounded the Big Red Machine.  He locked in the Kimura and forced Kane to tap out.  CM Punk’s music then hit as he appeared on the stage.  Punk stared at the downed Kane, clapped and then held up his title as the show ended.

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