Raw 13: Title Rematches; New Alliance

New WWE Champion CM Punk came out to the ring to kick off Raw. He said that now that he was done with Austin for good, and needed a new challenger. No sooner did he say that, did Brock Lesnar’s music hit and he came out with Paul Heyman. Punk had a frightened look on his face, but Lesnar entered the ring and stuck out his hand. Punk quickly changed his facial expression to one of joy and shook Lesnar’s hand and hugged Heyman.

Punk explained that he made a phone call last week to Heyman to ensure he regained the title from Austin. Punk continued, saying he should have had the match won if it weren’t for an inept referee but Heyman had Plan B, which was Lesnar. This brought out Steve Austin, who launched into a tirade about Punk not being able to win by himself and called Lesnar a fake tough guy. Heyman told Austin to come to the ring then if he thought Lesnar was a fake. Austin didn’t have to think twice about the invitation but perhaps he should have, as Heyman’s new duo beat on him. Punk put the title in Austin’s face and told him he wouldn’t get another shot.

The opening match was Chris Jericho against Cody Rhodes. Rhodes controlled early on, but the tide turned when Jericho was able to hit a DDT. He went for the Walls of Jericho but couldn’t get Rhodes completely turned over. Rhodes tried to get offense in, but the wily Jericho was one step ahead. Jericho hit the Codebreaker into a Lionsault but only got a two count.

Rhodes came back, though and appeared to set up CrossRhodes to finish the match. But Jericho once again was able to wiggle out of the move and plant Rhodes with a DDT. Jericho then moved in and locked on the Walls. Rhodes desperately tried to get to the ropes but was a couple inches short. He ultimately tapped out to Jericho.

Backstage, Team Hell No was getting ready for their tag team rematch with the Shield when R-Truth walked up to the duo. Truth apologized for taking the pin the night before and costing the team its’ titles. Kane told Truth that his apology was accepted but they’d have to square off in a match to make everything even.

Antonio Cesaro took on John Morrison in the second match of the night. The stronger Cesaro was able to dominate Morrison in the early going, but when Morrison was able to escape his grasp, he let the aerial assault begin. Morrison kept Cesaro at bay with a series of kicks and top rope moves. Eventually, he was able to land Starship Pain and pick up a solid victory over Cesaro.

Team Hell No looked to regain their Tag Team Titles from the Shield on Raw.

Team Hell No looked to regain their Tag Team Titles from the Shield on Raw.

The Tag Team titles were on the line as the Shield defended against Team Hell No. Rollins and Reigns represented the Champions under the Freebird Rule, with Ambrose on the outside. Hell No was in the ring waiting, while the Shield came through the crowd and started beating on Bryan and Kane before the bell rang. As the referee got things settled, the match was ofifically underway with Rollins and Kane starting off.

Kane was able to dominate the smaller Rollins until Reigns was tagged in. The two big men were at a stalemate but the younger Reigns started to turn the tide. Kane was able to make a tag into Bryan, where he entered the match like a ball of fire. Bryan whipped Reigns into the corner, but missed a splash.

Reigns then speared Bryan and went for the cover. As he tried to break up the pin, Kane was superkicked by Rollins superkicked and the Shield were able to retain their tag team titles. The Shield escaped through the crowd once more and Hell No was left in frustration.

Jack Swagger came to the ring to discuss his loss the night before against Ryback. He then took on Damien Sandow in attempt for some revenge. Swagger had the early advantage, but wasn’t able to put Sandow away. Swagger was able to counter Sandow’s offense and at one point hit the Swagger Bomb.

Swagger was in control and looked to finish off Sandow with the Patriot Lock. But then Ryback’s music hit and Swagger turned his attention to the ramp. Nobody appeared on the ramp but Sandow took advantage by rolling Swagger up and getting a surprise victory. Swagger was stunner following the match.

Lita took on Trish in a Diva’s Title match. Back and forth action here, but Lita took advantage late. As she went up for the Moonsault, Beth Phoenix came out and knocked Lita off the top rope. This resulted in a disqualification win for Lita, but it also brought out the rest of the Divas, AJ, Eve and Melina. The six women fought each other until officials were able to break it up.

The final match of the night had Edge challenging for the Intercontinental Title against Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler defeated Edge last night at Extreme Rules in a ladder match.  The two continued their epic battle from the previous night, with neither giving an inch.

Edge planted Ziggler with the Downward Spiral, but only got a two count. Ziggler countered with a splash in the corner, also getting a two. Ziggler went for the Zig Zag but it was thwarted. Edge tried to finish Ziggler off with the Edgucution but barely could make a cover after the maneuver. Perhaps out of instinct, Ziggler reached his arm over onto Edge.

The referee counted the pinfall, but there was some confusion about the victor as Raw went off the air.

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