Raw 12: Punk, Austin Continue Battle; Shield Speaks

Roman Reigns debuted last week; what will the Shield have to say this week?

Roman Reigns debuted last week; what will the Shield have to say this week?

Dolph Ziggler opened the show by coming out to the ring with a mic.  He stated that fans are going to buy the pay-per-view just to see him defeat Edge in the ladder match.  Ziggler added that even though Edge picked the stipulation, it doesn’t bother him one bit. This brought out Edge, who looked like he wanted to fight Ziggler right then and there but he was interrupted by Comissioner Real Deal.

Real Deal came out and told Ziggler and Edge to save their energy because they would be opponents tonight in advance of their match at Extreme Rules. He explained however, that it would be a tag team match, with CM Punk as Ziggler’s partner and Steve Austin as Edge’s.

The first match pitted Chris Jericho against John Morrison. The two had a bit of history going back the last couple weeks after an innocent comment by Trish to Morrison got Melina upset and Trish asked her old friend Jericho to help her out. Morrison had the early advantage, until Jericho threw him out of the ring. Jericho whipped him into the ring post, but as Morrison got up, he started walking up the ramp. Jericho chased him down and rolled him back into the ring. He then hit the Codebreaker to pick up the victory over Morrison.

The second match had Ryback taking on Bradshaw.  After Ryback defeated his partner last week, Bradshaw was looking for some revenge.  But Ryback dominated the match, treating the 300 pound Bradshaw like he was a child.  Despite an attempt at offense by Bradshaw, Ryback quickly hit Shellshocked on him and won the match.

The Shield then came out to cut a promo prior to Seth Rollins’ match with R-Truth.  Dean Ambrose said that Roman Reigns was the missing part of their group and now they’ll be unstoppable in their mission. He added that the team was going to rid the WWE of injustices, such as letting dysfunctional embarrassments hold the tag team titles. Rollins added that they were willing to lose a shot at the tag team titles last week just show the world how real teams work together.

Truth then came out. Truth got in some early offense, but the match didn’t last too long. Ambrose distracted the referee while Reigns powerbombed Truth. The three then started beating on Truth, as the referee called for the bell, disqualifying Rollins. As the Shield beat on Truth, Daniel Bryan and Kane came out to make the save. They chased the Shield from the ring and through the crowd, as Hell No helped Truth up.

The Diva’s title was on the line as Trish Stratus defended against Melina. Highlights were shown about how the feud has developed over the last couple weeks. Trish used her experience to dominate Melina and kept her title after landing the Stratusfaction.

Backstage, Hell No and Truth were in Real Deal’s office telling him that they wanted to fight the Shield. Real Deal explained that they could have a three on three match, but Hell No had to be willing to put up their tag team titles. Bryan and Kane thought it over and asked Truth if he was up to the challenge, despite not owning a belt. Truth replied that he just wanted to get his hands on the trio. Hell No then agreed to Real Deal’s stipulation.

Brock Lesnar then came to the ring to take on Mark Henry. The two behemoths were at a stalemate to begin the match but Lesnar hit Henry with a thunderous clothesline, knocking him down. Henry got up and put Lesnar into a bearhug and rammed him against into the corner. Lesnar then threw elbows at Henry, who released the grip. Lesnar then suplexed Henry, which stunned the World’s Strongest Man. With the opening, Lesnar applied the Kimura, which forced Henry to tap out.

Prior to the main event, CM Punk was backstage on the phone telling someone who he called his manager that Austin signed the contract and that he wanted a plan in case things went wrong at Extreme Rules. He argued a bit but told the other person that he trusted them.

The main event began early as Austin rushed to the ring to fight Punk before Edge arrived. Punk and Ziggler double teamed the champion and when Edge finally came out, the match was officially underway. Austin started with Ziggler and the champion taught the young Ziggler a thing or two. Austin tagged in Edge, and the duo hit a double clothesline. They kept Ziggler isolated from Punk, who seemed not to really care about his partner. Edge thought he had Ziggler set up for the Spear, but Ziggler tagged in Punk and Edge speared the ring post.

Punk took advantage, whipping Edge off of the ropes and started working on the shoulder of Edge that went into the post. Punk tagged in Ziggler, but on his way out, tried to take a cheap shot at Austin. Punk fell threw the ropes and Austin beat on him. The two battled into the crowd. Amid the chaos, Edge hit the spear on Ziggler out of nowhere, and picked up the win for his team. Edge celebrated with the Intercontinental Title as Raw went off of the air.

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