Smackdown 17: Cena Sends A Message

The first Smackdown since a thrilling Over the Limit PPV kicked off with Commissioner Roose waltzing down to the ring. Roose, with mic in hand, went on a self-lauding presentation about this past Sunday. “Unreal, right folks? That is how you steal a show. Del Rio and Sheamus had a classic! Rock and Mankind had a classic! Hell, did you see the looks on Mark Henry and Kurt Angle‘s face after they were royally screwed out of winning the tag belts? How does it feel, Real Deal? That’s right, payback is an unforgiving B.”

Roose then wasn’t happy about the threats Henry and Angle made on Monday. “You want to threaten my team? Let me tell you something, I just showed you why you don’t want to mess with my brand or my talent. Do I have to show you again? Because if I do, I will have to shut you all up.”

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Raw 17: Rivalries Continue; Real Deal Vows Revenge

Real Deal came out with Team USA to start Raw. He angrily accused Roose of disrupting the Tag Team title match last night when it appeared Team USA had the victory. Real Deal ripped into Roose, saying he had no right to have his team interfere in the match. He said if Roose had a problem with him, Roose should come after him and him alone, but now he’s pissed the wrong team off.

Kurt Angle grabbed the mic and challenged Roose’s team of Kofi & Rey to a match at Payback. He said that at one time he and Henry wanted the Tag titles but that dream would have to be put on hold. Mark Henry added that Kofi and Rey made things personal and would ensure they would be inducted into his Hall of Pain.

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Over the Limit: Del Rio Wins Belt; New IC Champ Crowned

Over the Limit kicked off with one of the most anticipated matches of the night. Finally, Randy Orton’s stalker was going to be revealed. Orton came down to the ring determined to put this nightmarish month behind him. After he got into the ring, he waited for the mystery man to come out. The suspense built and Orton began to pace the ring. He even motioned towards the back for his assailant to come out.

Then finally, the lights went out for a few seconds. A familiar opening sequence began and an ominous gold hue filled the arena. It was Goldust! Dustin Rhodes, son of Dusty Rhodes and brother to Cody of Raw, came down to the ring in his flowing gold robe and blonde wig. He entered the ring, got in the face of Orton and did his patented deep-breath taunt.

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Smackdown 16: Rock, Orton Promise Revenge in Respective Matches at OTL

Smackdown started off with Randy Orton coming down to the ring. Orton recapped the past few weeks where he was attacked twice, had his father kidnapped and was cost a pair of matches. “So I accept your challenge, whoever you are. And I honestly don’t care who you are. I will beat you and I will beat you bad and I will make sure you never mess with the Orton legacy again.”

The first match of the night saw Mankind take on Shawn Michaels in a classic opening showdown. The two legends started off Smackdown with a heated battle only the two old dogs can have. Mankind wore down Michaels with his typical style and Michaels used his resiliency to battle back. But Mankind pulled out Socko and beat HBK with the Mandible Claw, winning the match.

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Raw 16: Major Upset; Punk & Bryan Square Off

Daniel Bryan opened Raw by explaining himself from last week. He started by saying he didn’t hate CM Punk; he said they went back a long time and had great memories. Bryan explained that all he wanted originally was an apology from Punk for interfering in his match and getting him disqualified. When he didn’t get one, he just wanted a match. He went onto say that the old CM Punk wouldn’t back down from a match, but this new, aligned-with-Lesnar CM Punk is just that, a punk. He had to take matters into his own hands since Punk was being a “coward”.

CM Punk came out and quickly made his way to the ring. The two stared each other down, with Punk askin Bryan what his problem was. Bryan told him that he’s changed since he aligned himself with Brock Lesnar. Punk explained that “CM Punk” is no longer a wrestler, but a brand. His alliance with Heyman and Lesnar is to protect his brand, and to keep the WWE title where it belongs.

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Smackdown 15: Mankind Challenges Rock; Orton Attacked Again

Smackdown opened up with the demented Mankind coming down to the ring. Mankind, who wants to get his hands on the Rock in a match, wanted to issue a challenge to the Great One. Mankind wanted a stipulation for the match though and he issued this challenge to the Rock.

“Rocky, all I ever wanted was to just be your friend. Remember the fun we had when we were champs? Apparently you don’t give a damn. You’ve always cared about yourself. Since only ‘you’ matter to you, I want to have this match in a place where only ‘you’ can look out for yourself. There will be no one to help you when you’re locked in a cage with me. But not just any cage, Rock. You’re going to be in hell when you face me. You’re going to experience Hell… in a Cell!”

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Raw 15: Bryan Challenges Punk; IC Tourney Controversy

Raw opened with an Intercontinental Title Tournament match between Edge and R-Truth. Edge had the early advantage and looked like he was going to put Truth away quickly. But R-Truth fought back and was able to tip the match back in his favor after a neckbreaker. Edge tried for a Spear, but missed, enabling R-Truth to hit a corkscrew scissors kick.

Truth went for the cover and got a two count. He exited the ring and started celebrating up the ramp like he had won the match. Edge was eventually declared the winner by countout, and upon hearing the victory announcement, Truth went berserk, destroying the stage. Edge just shook his head as the referee raised his hand.

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Smackdown 14: Orton Finds Father; Roose Enters One into IC Tourney

Smackdown kicked off with Randy Orton coming down to the ring. Orton was frazzled and anxious, wanting to know where the hell his father is. He called the kidnapper a coward and demanded he reveal himself.

Then Orton was interrupted by the muffled cries of his father. He turned to the screen to see his dad gagged and tied up in the room. His kidnapper then walks into the screen. “Hello, Randy. I was just having a chat with your father here telling him how he has a cocky, arrogant punk for a son. I had to remind him though that it was his fault.” The kidnapper turned around and smacked Bob Orton.

“Randy, I’m here in the building tonight! If you want to find your father, just look on the inside of Sin Cara‘s mask.” The screen cut out and this left Orton incredibly confused in the ring.

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Raw 14: Bad Blood, IC Tournament Created

Raw Commissioner Real Deal started Raw by coming to the ring.  He wanted to clear up the Intercontinental Title situation as the match that ended Raw last week was left with some confusion.  He declared the match a draw and Dolph Ziggler still the champion.  But, he went on to say, there would be a seven man elimination style tournament, in which, the IC title is on the line.

With the draw last week, Real Deal announced that Ziggler, as current champion, would get a bye in the first round.  Real Deal declared that the first match of the tournament would take place tonight! He added that he and Smackdown GM Roose seemed to have some bad blood over the last couple weeks and he would try to smooth things over by allowing one Smackdown superstar to compete in the tournament next week.

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Smackdown 13: Orton Leaves Arena; Mankind Tries to Interfere Again

Smackdown kicked off with Randy Orton coming down to the ring with a microphone in hand. Orton wanted to know who attacked him last week on Smackdown and once he figured out who was at the bottom of it he would deliver a beating the WWE has never seen before.

But before Orton could continue he was interrupted by a shadowy figure with a masked voice on the screen. “Randy, Randy, Randy. For a while now I’ve been watching you fail. I think you need a bit of a motivation. You see, you talk about your heritage in the WWE being the greatest of all time. I don’t think you quite understand the stir you caused with those words. I’m going to make you understand, Randy. I’m going to teach you a lesson.” The screen cut out, leaving Orton very confused.

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