Raw 11: Austin, Punk Sign Contract; Tag Belts on the Line

On Raw, Dolph Ziggler issued a challenge to Edge, but did Ziggler get the answer he was looking for?

On Raw, Dolph Ziggler issued a challenge to Edge, but did Ziggler get the answer he was looking for?

Raw opened with Jack Swagger coming to the ring to talk about how Commissioner Real Deal screwed him. He said that despite the commissioner’s feelings for him, he earned his title shot by winning the Royal Rumble and Real Deal took it away from him twice.

This brought out Real Deal with Ryback to a chorus of boos from the crowd. He told Swagger that Ryback was his new personal enforcer and that he will display his awesome power in a match tonight. Real Deal told Swagger that this is his show and if he doesn’t like it, he can join the losers over at Smackdown. While on the topic, he added that Smackdown’s GM Roose shouldn’t poke the proverbial bear.

Swagger said he isn’t leaving the show and he wants the match tonight with Ryback. Real Deal told him that he would have to wait until Extreme Rules, but if he really wanted a match, he could have one right now with the Big Show.

The Big Show then made his way to the ring. Swagger had his hands full against the 400 pound Big Show. As Big Show controlled early, Real Deal laughed as he walked to the back. Swagger then went for a knee chop to try and bring the giant down, but Show wouldn’t fall. After a clothesline knocked Swagger down, Big Show called for the WMD, but Swagger ducked it. As Big Show was off balance, Swagger dropkicked him in the knee, knocking him down. Swagger then applied the Ankle Lock and the Big Show was forced to tap out.

The next scheduled match was Dolph Ziggler against Damien Sandow. But before the match began, Ziggler challenged the Intercontinental Champion Edge to a title match at Extreme Rules. He said that he never officially got his rematch for the title that he lost a few weeks back. Despite being pinned at Wrestlemania, he wanted a one-on-one match with Edge.

The match then got underway. It was a quick pace match, with Sandow trying to use his intelligence to defeat Ziggler. He had control until Ziggler rolled out of the way of the Elbow of Disdain. Ziggler tried a small package but only got a two count. Ziggler hit a missile dropkick which forced Sandow out of the ring. Sandow started walking up the ramp, when Ziggler chased him down and threw him back into the ring. Ziggler then hit the Zig Zag and picked up the win.

Chris Jericho and Trish Stratus were seen talking backstage about Melina’s attack on Trish last week. Melina and John Morrison came up to them and started taunting Trish. Jericho had to hold Trish back as Morrison and Melina smiled and walked away.

Edge came out to the ring and grabbed a ladder. He climbed on it and sat at the top and then commented on Ziggler’s win over Sandow, telling Ziggler that he was impressed with his victory. He then rhetorically asked why Ziggler should get another shot at his gold. Despite his concerns, he said he was never one to back down from a challenge but said if the champion is going to defend his title, that he should pick the stipulation. Edge recalled his stellar record in ladder matches and figured that would be the right way to go.

He took on Cody Rhodes following his promo. Edge showed that he had some pent up anger, trying to outdo his future competitor. Edge made quick work of Rhodes, hitting the Edgucution and then speared Rhodes to give the Rated R Superstar the 1-2-3.

Jericho and Trish made their way to the ring to face off against Morrison and Melina in a mixed tag match. Jericho and Morrison started and traded maneuvers but Trish tagged herself in, forcing Melina into the match. Trish then tried to get close to Melina, but Melina escaped the ring and Trish chased her around it.

As Jericho tried to calm Trish down, he was hit with an enziguri from Morrison. Melina climbed back into the ring and tagged in Morrison, forcing the injured Jericho to become the legal man once more. Trish tried to help Jericho back into the ring, but he couldn’t beat the referee’s count and Morrison and Melina were victorious by countout.

Ryback came to the ring for his match with Faarooq. Faarooq tried to get offense in, but Ryback just stood there and took it without flinching. Ryback then picked up Faarooq like he was a feather and threw him all over the ring. After toying with Faarooq, Ryback hit Shellshocked to pick up the win and show off his power.

The final match of the night had the Tag Team titles on the line as Team Hell No took on the Shield. The Shield had earned a match after defeating Team USA and Team Hell No wanted some revenge for being attacked last week. The champions tried to wear down their opponents with their combination of strength and skill, but the Shield’s will kept them in the match.

When the Shield had Bryan or Kane isolated, they were able to do the most damage, but unfortunately for them it would never last long enough to get a pinfall. Towards the end of the match, Kane was in the ring with Rollins. The Big Red Machine went for a chokeslam, but Ambrose broke it up. This brought Bryan back into the ring as the four brawled. Then the Shield’s music hit as Team Hell No looked confused.

They then saw Roman Reigns making his way to the ring. While they were distracted, Rollins and Ambrose double teamed Kane. Reigns went after Bryan and powerbombed him, giving Hell No the victory by DQ. The three then beat on Kane and left the tag champions laid out in the middle of the ring.

Steve Austin then came out to sign the Extreme Rules contract. Punk’s music played but he didn’t come out. Austin told him that he wasn’t going to wait all night for Punk. Punk’s music played again, but he still did not come out. Austin seemed aggravated for waiting and started walking up the ramp. Punk then came out of the crowd and tried to sneak up on the champion.

Austin saw Punk on the Titantron, stopped walking and turned around to a surprised Punk. Punk tried to run back into the ring, but Austin threw him into the ring post. He then rolled Punk into the ring and told him to sign the contract. Punk signed it and tried to escape the ring, but Austin hit him with a stunner. He then signed the contract and dropped it on Punk as he walked out of the ring.

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