Raw 10: Commissioner Realdeal Explains Himself

How did Brock Lesnar fare in his match against Rob Van Dam?

How did Brock Lesnar fare in his match against Rob Van Dam?

Raw kicked off with a match between Edge and Antonio Cesaro. Edge started the match with an uptempo pace but Cesaro neutralized Edge’s quickness with his strength. Cesaro started to dominate, but one wrong move left the door open for Edge to reverse a move and his the Edgucution. He called for the spear, but out of nowhere Dolph Ziggler ran into the ring. While the referee was looking and counting Cesaro, Ziggler hit the Zig Zag and left the ring. Cesaro climbed on top of Edge to pick up the win. Ziggler celebrated from the top of the ramp as Edge looked on.

Following the match, Commissioner Realdeal came out with Ryback. Realdeal talked about screwing over Jack Swagger in his WWE title match last week, claiming Swagger was not a champion and that he didn’t even deserve to win the Royal Rumble. He admitted that he was the behind the attack on Swagger, paying off the APA and trusting Alberto Del Rio to get the job done at Wrestlemania, but he couldn’t.

Realdeal continued, saying that last week he told Del Rio that he was no longer welcome on Raw, but that he saw Del Rio already got work on a weaker Smackdown show, claiming he was a patsy. Realdeal countered that claim, saying that for his cooperation Del Rio got a title shot. He went onto say that the APA and Del Rio’s failures were what forced him to bring in the monsterous Ryback, knowing that Ryback will finish the job.

Next, the Shield took on Team USA in tag team action. Rollins and Ambrose used quick tags to isolate and wear down Angle, but he eventually made the tag to Henry who cleared the ring. Henry clotheslined Ambrose out of the ring, but he turned around into a Rollins superkick. With Ambrose fighting Angle on the outside, Rollins picked up a big win for his team over team USA.

The next match was John Morrison, accompanied to the ring by Melina, against Cody Rhodes. It was a back and forth affair but Morrison used his acrobatics to take control of the match. Rhodes tried to muster some offense but it was no match for the magnificent Morrison.

Backstage, we see Trish Stratus getting ready for her match when she saw John Morrison. She congratulated him on his victory and mentioned that he’s been on a roll the last couple of weeks. Morrison thanked her and said that it was all because of Melina, who appeared and glared at Trish.

Trish fought Lita in a Diva’s title match. Lita took the early advantage, but the champion battled back. The two women dueled until Trish hit a Stratusfaction to retain the title. As she celebrated, Melina ran to the ring and attacked Trish. She screamed “stay away from him” as she was restrained by officials.

Rob Van Dam made his way down to the ring to face Brock Lesnar. Van Dam tried to get a series of kicks in, but it didn’t seem to faze the bigger Lesnar. Lesnar picked up Van Dam and threw him around like a rag doll. AFter one F-5, it looked like he would go for the pin, but he locked in the Kimura instead and forced Van Dam to tap out. Even after his victory, he kept the hold on until WWE officials broke it up. Lesnar smiled as Van Dam needed medical attention.

The last match of the night featured Daniel Bryan taking on R-Truth. Bryan took the early advantage, but R-Truth made it a competitive match. Bryan caught Truth vulnerable, however, and looked to apply in the No Lock. But the Shield came through the crowd and attacked Bryan, causing a disqualification. Truth got up and helped Bryan in the fight against the Shield, but the duo kept isolating Bryan and Truth. This brought out Bryan’s partner Kane, who cleared the ring. Rollins and Ambrose then retreated through the crowd. Truth then shook Bryan and Kane’s hands after they thanked him for the help.

Steve Austin then came out to accept CM Punk’s challenge. Punk then came out and told Austin that he got lucky at Wrestlemania. Punk reminded Austin that he beat him at Royal Rumble so that they have both won a match against each other. Punk suggested that this one be the final grudge match, that winner takes all, no rematches; this one will finally settle the score between the two. Austin mulled it over and told Punk that if he accepts this clause, that he wants it in writing and that he wants to pick the stipulation.

Austin suggested that since the pay-per-view is called Extreme Rules, they might as well make it a No Disqualification match. Punk said he’d think about it and started walking away. But then he turned around and clotheslined the champion and then hit Austin with his own belt. As Austin lay on the mat, Punk raised the belt in the air to a chorus of boos from the crowd.

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