Smackdown 8: Number One Contender’s Match Set

Smackdown kicked off with some tag team action. The Rock n Sock connection was set to take on the team of Kofi Kingston and Rey Mysterio in a preview of the fatal fourway tag match at Wrestlemania on Sunday. The legendary team won the match after The Rock landed the Rockbottom on Kofi and got the pin.

Commissioner Roose came out to talk a little bit about Wrestlemania. He had to announce that he was one match short for his billing at Mania and wanted to hold a number one contender’s match for the World Heavyweight Championship at the next Pay-Per View. He was interrupted by Mr. Wrestlemania himself, Shawn Michaels. “Woah woah woah, you know you can’t have a Wrestlemania without the Showstopper himself!”

But before HBK could continue, John Cena’s music hit. He too knew that there wouldn’t be a Wrestlemania without him. But two isn’t a party… four is! Randy Orton and The Godfather both walked out together to protest their worth for a shot at the World Heavyweight belt.

Roose had a plan. “I will conduct a mini tournament. Shawn Michaels will face Godfather in that very ring tonight! And then John Cena and Randy Orton will one-on-one later on. The winners will go to Wrestlemania and compete for the number one contender’s spot.”

The second match of the night was Wade Barrett vs Justin Gabriel, a tuneup for their huge title matches at Mania. But only a few minutes into the match, Sheamus sauntered out to keep an eye on Barrett. With the ref knocked down, Sheamus snuck into the ring and Brogue Kicked Barrett. Gabriel landed the 450 splash and earned the victory.

Before his match, Shawn Michaels came out to do a bit of talking. Though he’s disappointed he isn’t wrestling in the main event, he told the people he is prepared to put on one of the best Wrestlemania performances they’ve ever seen.

He was interrupted by Godfather’s music, and he was accompanied to the ring with a dozen hoes! “Hey Shawn, you can either fight me tonight, and lose!… or you can take home as many of my hoes as you like and let me walk on to Wrestlemania.” Michaels thought for a moment, and then went after Godfather while the ladies scurried to leave the ring. Michaels made quick work of the Godfather, knocking him out with some Sweet Chin Music to cement a spot at Wrestlemania.

The fourth match of the night was a tune-up match for the eventual two United States Championship contenders. The Miz and X-Pac hooked up for another battle, this time with the Miz getting the better of X-Pac. Roose came out and announced that Gabriel would be taking on both guys in a triple threat match. Gabriel came out to the top of the ramp and told Roose, “Look, I’m okay with putting it on the line against two guys, but I want it on my terms. I don’t want either of these clowns pinning each other and I lose my belt. So let’s make them earn it. Let’s make them have to climb a ladder.” Roose just smiled and said, “Book it!”

The fifth match of the night decided who would wrestle against HBK at Mania. It was one of the most exciting matches on Smackdown in recent history. They fought all over the ring and outside, trading momentum. At one point, Cena did the AA outside the ring. But another AA, this one coming from the top ropes, finished off Orton and sent Cena to Wrestlemania to face Shawn Michaels.

The final match of the night saw the champion Sheamus take on Triple H. Ten minutes into the match, Barrett came down the ring. He wasn’t subtle with his intentions, rolling in and attacking Sheamus prompting the bell. The two rolled out of the ring and battled through the crowd, leaving Triple H alone in the ring.

Then the bell tolled and the lights went out. Undertaker then broke through the ring, grabbed Triple H by the leg and dragged him under with him.

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