Smackdown Week 2: Outlaws Fight Back

The Outlaws are on a mission to make their commissioner's life miserable.

The Outlaws are on a mission to make their commissioner’s life miserable.

Smackdown got underway with the commissioner coming down to the ring. Roose tweeted before the show that he had an announcement to make, and that announcement was that Kofi Kingston and Rey Mysterio would be crowned the number one contenders for the tag belts at Elimination Chamber.

But before Roose could finish, the Outlaws interrupted him. Road Dogg said that no one screws over the Outlaws, especially the man in charge. He then threatened Roose that the Outlaws will make Roose’s life on Smackdown a living hell. Roose interjected with a laugh, telling Road Dogg he’ll have to wait on his plans as he has a match with Zack Ryder up next.

The first match went fast. Road Dogg, who had built up aggression heading into the match, dominated Zack Ryder the whole way. It ended when Road Dogg followed up his Shake, Rattle & Roll with a pump handle slam to win in convincing fashion.

In the second match of the night, the Celtic Warrior Sheamus took on the Godfather. After turning down a proposition from Godfather to spend the night with one of his lovely ladies, the two got it on in a brutal and physical match. Sheamus was able to kick out of the Pimp Drop. The Godfather went for it again but Sheamus countered and connected with the Celtic Cross and pinned the Godfather for the victory.

After the commercial break, Booker T came out. He told Miz he isn’t finished showing him some respect, and that Miz needs to learn to respect the veterans in this business. But before Booker T could finish, the Miz ambushed him after running through the crowd and attacking Booker from behind.

While The Miz was stomping on Booker in the corner, Randy Orton came running out to save Booker. He got in the ring and started fighting Miz, but Wade Barrett followed behind and an all-out brawl broke out in the ring. Orton and Booker each threw their respective foes over the top ropes. Booker grabbed the microphone and told them, “We want a match tonight. You two suckas versus us two. Be prepared for the ass-whuppin’ of a life time. Now can you dig that?”

While the action heated up in the ring, it too heated up backstage but in a bad way. Kofi Kingston was shown holding his arm, saying he was attacked from behind and never saw who did it. But Kingston had an idea who. Roose showed up and determined Kofi couldn’t fight tonight and further risk injuring his arm. So Roose canceled Kofi’s match with Sin Cara and instead booked Heath Slater to take on Sin Cara next. Rey Mysterio then asked Roose to book him in a match with Billy Gunn.

The match between Sin Cara and Slater was full of high flying moves by Sin Cara as well some fantastic counters by Slater. Sin Cara even pulled out a couple of classic submission moves such as the Camel Clutch and the Octopus but Slater was able to escape both holds and hit the E-Minor. Sin Cara kicked out of the finisher at the 2 1/2 count and the match continued.

Slater kept the momentum going until Sin Cara hit a hurricanrana. Sin Cara then climbed the top ropes and hit the moonsault for the 1-2-3 victory.

The next match was Mysterio and Gunn in singles competition. Gunn took the early advantage, taking it to Mysterio. But the pint-sized former champion started to fight his way back, hitting some kicks and speed attacks that left Gunn dazed.

While Gunn was reeling, the Road Dog climbed up to the apron to complain that Mysterio was cheating. With the referee distracted with Road Dogg, Gunn hit a low blow on Mystrio to stop the assault on him. Kofi walked around to Road Dogg’s side of the ring and pulled him off the apron and the two began to fight. Road Dogg was able to reverse the onslaught by Kingston, Irish Whipping him shoulder first into the steps.

In the ring, and with Mysterio still hunched over in pain, Gunn set him up for the Fame-Asser. The referee landed the three-count and the Outlaws stole another match from the commissioner’s tag team.

After the commercial, Brodus Clay came out. But the Funkasaurus wasn’t in a mood for dancing, and quite frankly, he wasn’t in the mood for just a match either. “People look at me as this big, goofy dancing guy. But I want to prove to them that I am one of the toughest SOB’s in the industry. So Mankind, I’m calling you out! I want that Hardcore title of yours.”

Foley’s music hit and he walked out wearing his usual gear, but with a microphone in one hand and the title in the other. “Brodus, I don’t think I’m funky enough to handle you. Mankin has no interest in fighting.” Brodus quickly responded with, “Are you afraid to fight me, Mankind?” Mankind quickly responded with, “No, no, it’s not that. I’m just saying MANKIND isn’t funky enough to handle you.”

With that, Foley ripped off his mask, black tie and white shirt to reveal a tie-dyed shirt. He then charged down the ring as Dude Love and gave Clay one of the worst beatings he’s ever received in the WWE. Love, which wasn’t really known to be that hardcore, took a steel chair to Brodus Clay, knocking the Funkasaurus down. He then threw the chair to the matt, grabbed Clay, and landed the double-armed DDT on the chair. Love pinned Clay, retaining the hardcore championship in a bizarre but quick title defense.

In the back stage, Orton was shown in the locker room talking with Booker. “Look, just because we’re partners doesn’t mean we’re friends. I respect you and your legacy, but I don’t like you.” Booker looked up and told Orton, “I feel you, dog. I don’t like you either, but I don’t like these guys a helluva lot more.” Orton smirked, “Now that I can dig.”

Smackdown’s main event was ready to take place with Booker T and Orton set to take on Wade Barrett and The Miz in tag team action. Miz and Booker started the match with Miz controlling much of the early momentum. But Booker was able to counter Miz, tagging in Orton, who went to work on Miz.

Miz was able to get his partner Barrett in, and Barrett went to work on Orton. Barrett’s physicality wore down Orton, but Orton was able to escape a barrage to get Booker back into the match. Barrett hit Booker with a few hard punches and then connected on a sit-down power bomb. But again Booker was able to rebound from an assault and tag in Orton.

The two traded blows, but knocked each other down in an attempt to rally. Both crawled to tag in their partners, but Miz got the hot tag. He knocked down Booker, tossed Orton out of the ring and controlled his opponent, landed the Skull Crushing Finale and pinned Booker T. Smackdown went off the air with Miz standing over Booker.

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