Elimination Chamber: Taker Costs Triple H His Belt

Triple H didn't make it out of the Chamber with his Championship. He isn't looking for a rematch for the belt any time soon either.

Triple H didn’t make it out of the Chamber with his Championship. He isn’t looking for a rematch for the belt any time soon either.

Booker T vs The Miz
Booker T’s Job vs Miz’s Elimination Chamber Spot

The match started out with a pair of taunts. But when Booker T finished his Spin-A-Rooni, Miz attacked him and the match got underway. The two traded momentum, but the Miz got the better of Booker T in the end. When Booker went for the scissor kick, Miz avoided it, and in turn set up Booker for the Skull Crushing Finale and won the match, retiring Booker T and earning a spot in the Elimination Chamber.

Winner: The Miz

Shield and Chris Jericho vs Antonio Cesaro and Rhodes Scholars

Rollins and Rhodes started this six man tag match. Rhodes controlled early until Rollins was able to turn it around and tag in his partner Ambrose. The two got in some double team moves and Ambrose managed the pace. However, Sandow kicked Ambrose in the back as he was whipped near the Scholars’ corner. Rhodes tagged in Cesaro and the two beat on Ambrose. Cesaro then threw Ambrose out of the ring and as Jericho tried to help, the referee restrained him, allowing the Rhodes Scholars to beat up Ambrose a bit more.

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Elimination Chamber Preview

WWE_Elimination_Chamber_Logo_0002Booker T vs The Miz
Booker T’s Job vs Miz’s Elimination Chamber Spot

The rivalry started when Miz tweeted about how washed up Booker T was as a wrestler. Booker challenged him to a match and won. Miz didn’t take kindly to getting beat, and the following week got his revenge on Booker by attacking him and then beating him in a tag match. The following week, Booker attacked Miz after he was talking trash on Booker, forwarding the feud even more. Then it was this past week that the stipulations were set: Miz, who earned the sixth spot in the Elimination Chamber, would put that on the line with Booker T, who would have to retire if he lost.

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Smackdown Week 4: Kingston, Mysterio Beat Outlaws; Chamber Match Set

Rey Mysterio and Kofi Kingston pull off a double team move in their match with the Outlaws.

Rey Mysterio and Kofi Kingston pull off a double team move in their match with the Outlaws.

Our final episode of Smackdown heading into the Elimination Chamber opened with the New Age Outlaws. Road Dogg threatened to continue their assault on the roster unless they get a match with Kofi Kingston and Rey Mysterio for the tag team belts. They force Commissioner Roose’s hand by showing videos of them attacking Kofi, Sin Cara and Mysterio.

Roose comes out and reluctantly grants the Outlaws their wish. “But if you lose, if you lay another hand on someone you’re not in a match with, I will see to it that I make your life in the WWE an absolute living hell” Roose reassured them. “And if you lay a hand on either one of your opponents tonight, you will lose your shot.”

The first match was for the Diva’s championship, and it was Beth Phoenix defending her title against Eve, who won a title shot last week on Smackdown. The winner will face Trish Stratus at the Elimination Chamber on Sunday. Phoenix controlled the beginning of the match, much like last week. She threw Eve around the ring like a rag doll. As she set up Eve for the Glam Slam, Eve again tried to escape the hold but Phoenix connect this time, pinning Eve and retaining her belt.

After the match, Roose is shown backstage talking to Kofi and Rey, telling them he doesn’t want them going anywhere before their match tonight against the Outlaws. “Dude, relax. They won’t be dumb enough to hurt attack us if they want those belts back,” Kofi told his boss, and the duo leaves the room.

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Raw Week 4: Chamber Qualifiers, Payback

A post-match brawl broke out at the end of Raw/

A post-match brawl broke out at the end of Raw/

Raw kicked off with the Commissioner coming to the ring, addressing Sunday’s Elimination Chamber pay-per-view. He said that qualifying matches will be held tonight. He also said that the APA will face stiff punishment for their brutal beating of Jack Swagger last week. He said that they would face the Big Show and Mark Henry in a match tonight. He also wanted to know who they were hired by.

The APA came out and said they weren’t allowed to share who paid them, like confidentiality with a lawyer. As for the match, they said that it’s no problem, they’ll just no-show the match and forfeit. Real Deal said he may be able to convince them to show up, by making it a qualifying match for the Chamber. If they can beat Show and Henry, they’ll both be entered into the chamber match. The APA said that works for them, and left.

Real Deal went on to say that before he was rudely interrupted that two other qualifying matches tonight would be Steve Austin against Dolph Ziggler and Kurt Angle against Chris Jericho.

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Smackdown Week 3: Elimination Chamber Match Takes Shape

Triple-H gave Sheamus the Pedigree. Is the Celtic Warrior one of the Elimination Chamber competitors?

Triple-H gave Sheamus the Pedigree. Is the Celtic Warrior one of the Elimination Chamber competitors?

Smackdown opens up with the Awesome one himself, The Miz. Miz was feeling extra proud of himself having gotten the better of Booker T, not once, but twice. He then went on to say that after the beating he handed to both Orton and Booker he was ready to focus on making a run at the World Heavyweight Championship belt.

But before Miz could continue, Wade Barrett interrupted him. Barrett reminded Miz that it was him who softened up both Orton and Booker, giving Miz the cleanup work. The Miz countered, telling Barrett that he would have no problem giving Barrett a taste of what Booker and Orton got from Miz last week. “If a fight is what you want, then a fight is what you’ll get… right now!” chimed Barrett and we started his descent towards the ring.

As Barrett got to the front of the ring, Orton came running down the ramp and attacked Barrett from behind. He bounced Barrett’s head off the ring post and apron, knocking him to the floor. As he was ready to set Orton up for another attack, possibly an RKO, Miz grabbed Orton from behind and gave him the Skull-Crushing Finale. Smackdown cut to a commercial break after the attack.

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Raw Week 3: Commissioner Upset, Del Rio Continues Streak

With Alberto Del Rio on a hot streak and the number one contender, will he be the next champion?

With Alberto Del Rio on a hot streak and the number one contender, will he be the next champion?

We kicked off Raw with Michael Cole telling fans that Jack Swagger would be in action in a requested match to test his injured ankle. Edge stood in the ring with a neck brace, explaining to fans that Brock Lesnar’s beating two weeks ago has put him out of action for a while, but he hopes to be cleared to wrestle next week. He said he caught Lesnar on a bad day, in a bad mood. He mentioned that he wants a match with Lesnar at some point down the road.

The first match of the night pitted Alberto Del Rio against Bradshaw. Bradshaw tried to use his strength to his advantage early. Del Rio reversed a clothesline into a German Suplex and followed it up with a slam. Bradshaw hit a DDT and an elbow drop as he took control. Ricardo Rodriguez jumped onto the apron to distract the referee, and Bradshaw went to confront him. As he turned back around, he caught a Del Rio spinning heel kick. Del Rio went for the pin, but only got a two count. Del Rio took advantage to apply the Cross Arm Breaker and Bradshaw gave up.

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Smackdown Week 2: Outlaws Fight Back

The Outlaws are on a mission to make their commissioner's life miserable.

The Outlaws are on a mission to make their commissioner’s life miserable.

Smackdown got underway with the commissioner coming down to the ring. Roose tweeted before the show that he had an announcement to make, and that announcement was that Kofi Kingston and Rey Mysterio would be crowned the number one contenders for the tag belts at Elimination Chamber.

But before Roose could finish, the Outlaws interrupted him. Road Dogg said that no one screws over the Outlaws, especially the man in charge. He then threatened Roose that the Outlaws will make Roose’s life on Smackdown a living hell. Roose interjected with a laugh, telling Road Dogg he’ll have to wait on his plans as he has a match with Zack Ryder up next.

The first match went fast. Road Dogg, who had built up aggression heading into the match, dominated Zack Ryder the whole way. It ended when Road Dogg followed up his Shake, Rattle & Roll with a pump handle slam to win in convincing fashion.

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Raw Week 2: Alliance Formed, Austin Victorious

Have rookies Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins formed an alliance with a WWE vet?

Have rookies Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins formed an alliance with a WWE vet?

We kicked off Raw with Brock Lesnar heading to the ring and grabbed the mic. He told the fans that his dominant win over Edge showed that he’s the Alpha in the WWE locker room. He goes on to explain that putting Edge out of action was only one step towards gaining the WWE Title. Lesnar continued his rant from last week, saying that since he won’t let his guard down ever again after the Rumble, he’ll be unstoppable and it’s only a matter of time before he gets the gold.

After the promo, Michael Cole noted that both Edge and Rumble winner Jack Swagger won’t be at Raw tonight because of the injuries sustained in their matches last week.

The first match of the night had Antonio Cesaro taking on Dean Ambrose. Ambrose was accompanied to the ring by Seth Rollins. Ambrose controlled the match early but Cesaro started to take advantage after a DDT. Cesaro hit an uppercut which lead to a neckbreaker. Rollins tried to get Ambrose back into it, but Cesaro finished Ambrose off with the Neutralizer. Cesaro got the pin but continued to beat on Ambrose until Rollins climbed into the ring and went after Cesaro. Rollins whipped Cesaro and superkicked him, laying him out. Rollins helped Ambrose to the back as Cesaro was left what was wondering what happened.

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